9 months ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

Hey y'all, Satan here! If you've stumbled into our humble SRC page and want to know why we've made the categories the way we have, this post is for you! It's also for you if you feel you have a solid idea for a category that people may like to run but doesn't yet exist on the page.

We of course couldn't make categories for every single difficulty setting and speed in dungeon crawl, as that would be literally 100 categories, and double that if we did delve categories. Additionally, we felt like creating some 'main' categories would help incentivize the boards to be populated and for times to be more competitive. We settled on 7 and 10 as good difficulties, as both are not too challenging that runners would very frequently die to rng, but are high enough so as to not be a cakewalk. 1x speed felt slow to Sel and I so we decided to make the slowest setting 2x, and of course 6x just made sense for high-speed fun, so those are the original board categories.

That being said, there may be categories that runners have interest in (perhaps difficulty 1 or 20 runs, perhaps delve categories, perhaps all steam achievements???) that we don't have up but could potentially be implemented in the future. If you like an idea for a category, let us know and show proof of concept runs! Even better if there are multiple runners interested, the board is going to be a labor of love and we'd love to have your suggestions!

编辑者 作者 9 months ago