The new Fast coffee mod by Kaden is now allowed for Pocketwatch%. You can download the mod here :
Happy speedclimbing!
Patch 1.9.5 is out and with it, some fixes and tweaks have been made :
- coffee has been fixed and is now giving the buff for 9s, as intended.
- one of the last holds on Sundered Sons has been moved to prevent the most recent skip :
- the last hold on Cromlech has been moved and the map has been tweaked to prevent the most recent skips :
- one hold on Stougr Boulder has been moved to prevent the skip :
Because of those changes, the leaderboards for Sundered Sons, Cromlech and Stougr Boulder will be reset for Pocketwatch% and Pocketwatch% Pipe Only. Any% and Book% Intermediate leaderboards will also be reset.
Although some changes were made to coffee, the rest of the leaderboards won't be affected. If anything, runs will be faster now. That being said, new runs will have to be submitted under 1.9.5+ Patch from now on.
Happy speedclimbing!
We have recently uncovered that coffee was not working as intended, probably since 1.7.0d. Right now, the coffee buff only lasts for 2s instead of 9s, rendering it almost useless. The next game patch will fix this issue.
The leaderboards WILL NOT be affected by the fix. If anything, it will make most runs faster. I highly suggest you don't submit runs until the fix (except Pipe Only), since your runs will most likely be faster after the patch. I'll make another post once the fix is out.
1.8.3 patch is out and with it 6pts crampons have been nerfed significantly. Because of this, all 3 full game categories have been archived (old patch) and new categories have been created (1.8.3+). This change concerns the following categories :
All peaks
Note that for now, no full DLC categories exist but might be created following demand and interes. Book% for all 3 DLC books have already been created if you wish to run individual DLC books.
Happy speedclimbing!
Following the success of the community event All aboard the Alpen Line, we've decided to make it as an official speedrun category. Make sure to check the rules. Future events will also have their own subcategories and leaderboards.
Happy speedclimbing!
The rules for the 100% run category have been tweaked to make more sense. Since it's not very interesting for the run, the previous rules stated that cleaning the collectibles was not necessary. It also said that in order to verify the run, showing the "100%" savefile was needed. But since a savefile only actually shows 100% once you've done everything, including cleaning all the collectibles, it didn't make much sense.
So now, while it is still unnecessary to clean the collectibles, you don't need to show the completed 100% savefile anymore. The only requirement regarding the collectibles is to show the completed collectible map at the end of the run. You unlock it after completing any 6 peaks and once you have collected atleast 1 item.
- Get all collectibles (cleaning NOT required), all tools and complete all 37 peaks, in any order, on a fresh savefile and reach the True Ending.
- Time starts when you gain control in the first selected peak. Time ends when you return to the cabin after the last peak necessary to unlock the True Ending has been completed.
- You need to show the selection of a new savefile before starting.
- You need to show the completed collectible map after the run (It is unlocked after completing any 6 peaks and having collected atleast 1 item).
- The True Ending must be triggered to validate the run.
- All mechanics authorized.
- Note that if you do not clean the collectibles, the savefile will not show 100% (it will be around 90% depending on the order you do things).
Happy speedclimbing!
A new rule has been added to the General rules section : "Using multiple accounts to submit runs is prohibited."
This is to avoid people from abusing the leaderboards and prevent those who have been cheating to submit runs on a new account.
You can now use the Peak Sweeper mod by Kalico when you are running Pocketwatch% or Pocketwatch% Pipe Only. This mod removes shrubs and snow from peaks, so you don't have to clean peaks by hand anymore.
A new Mods rule section has been added for clarity :
The following list contains mods currently only accepted for the two categories Pocketwatch% and Pocketwatch% Pipe Only :
No Knockouts by Kaden is accepted for ground knockouts only. If a knockout is prevented by the mod when it should happen during a run on a big map such as an advanced or expert for example, the run will be invalid. Link : /
Peak Sweeper by Kalico Link :
Using No Knockouts mod by Kaden is now accepted when running Pocketwatch% and Pocketwatch% Pipe Only. This is only to avoid ground knockouts on small maps. If a knockout is prevented by the mod when it should happen during a run on a big map such as an advanced or expert for example, the run will be invalid.
You can download the mod here :
More mods are susceptible to be accepted in the future if an on-screen tracker is implemented.
Due to the redundancy of ST% with Any% and All Peaks, the category has been removed.
All Peaks and 100% categories are now Normal mode only and their rules have been tweaked accordingly for the sake of consistency.
A new general rule has been added for that purpose aswell : "Every run must be played on Normal mode unless otherwise specified in a category rules."
Happy speedclimbing!
Following the multiple requests for a cramponless category, the community voted for a new category with no tools allowed except for the Pipe (and ice axes for Bulwark and Solemn Tempest). The new category is called Pocketwatch% Pipe Only and will include all individual levels like the normal Pocketwatch%.
Rules :
Pocketwatch% Pipe Only (1.5.4+)
- Timer used is in-game timer (Pocket watch).
- The run ends when the time is given by the clipboard.
- All tools unauthorized except pipe. Ice axes are authorized for Bulwark and Solemn Tempest only.
- Unbinding crampons is highly suggested.
- All mechanics authorized except alt-spamming (patched in 1.6.2)
Happy speedclimbing!
Patch 1.5.4 is out, and with it the final changes to movement techs :
Quickgrabs and Pickswapping are now gone
Crampon jumps are back to 3 and their force has been increased overall
This means that leaderboards are gonna be wiped a final time. To prevent further wipes due to a new patch, any run using a new game breaking tech will not be verified until the Dev's approval. It is unfortunate but this is the only way to keep a healthy leaderboard.
Category changes :
Removal of every old patch categories
Removal of Stamp% to avoid redundancy with Pocketwatch%
Individual Book categories are returning instead, including : Fundamentals%, Intermediate%, Advanced% and Extreme%. They will hopefully bring diversity in runs.
Rule tweaks :
Some rules have been adjusted for the sake of consistency across categories.
Happy speedclimbing!
An option to select "Steam Deck" when submitting a run has been added. It is set to PC by default.
Patch 1.5.3 is out, and with it some new tweaks have been made to crampons and ice axes.
Ice Axes
- Fixed a bug with ice axes giving force when switching as you held down reach.
- Crampons Jumps are now properly limited to 2. The third jump has had its force increased a little but third jump and subsequent jumps will still have diminishing effects.
- Velocity required to reset Crampon Jumps while on a hold has been lowered (You will not notice this unless you were moving extremely fast already).
- Fixed a bug with not being able to use crampons jump on breakable ice stalactites.
The top collision on the latter parts of Solemn Tempest has been tweaked aswell.
Because of this, the leaderboards are gonna get reset again across all categories, hopefully for the last time. The only exceptions are Pocketwatch% runs for Book 2 that are gonna carry over the new category. Same as before, the leaderboards for Pocketwatch% and Stamp% from the previous patch are still gonna be visible.
Happy speedclimbing!
With the addition to the routing flag, it appears you can crampon jump off of the flag pole itself in the starting area of a level. Using it for speedruns will thus be prohibited.
The new rule is :
"Using the flag pole in any way is prohibited"
Patch 1.5.1 is out, and with it some QoL options have been added.
Some rules have been modified accordingly :
Verification Requirements
- The game version must be shown on the bottom right of your screen. You can toggle the option by clicking on the game version number in the main menu. If it is not enabled, you must pause your game at the beginning or the end of a run to show the version.
- Throughout the run, please refrain from obstructing any HUD indications with an overlay. This includes the pocket watch timer, the number of remaining items, the game mode icon (YFYD and Free Solo) and the game version number.
- Complete the peaks necessary to unlock the Normal Ending. (Any 32 peaks, including 3 Advanced peaks)
- Time starts when you gain control in the first selected peak. Time ends when the last peak necessary to unlock the Normal Ending has been completed.
- All mechanics authorized.
Happy speedclimbing!
Patch 1.5.0 is out, and with it crampons have been changed yet again. Ice axes have also been tweaked.
The Old Patch (1.4.6) categories will be archived and the Patch 1.4.9 categories will be locked but remain visible.
All new submissions must be on Patch 1.5.0+ from now on. The only exception is for boulders (Intermediate) since the patch doesn't affect them (except Cromlech). All boulders runs from 1.4.9 (except Cromlech) will be moved to the new 1.5.0+ leaderboard. If you have recordings of boulders run from 1.4.9 that you wish to submit, they can be verified.
Happy speedclimbing!
- Using cheats, macros, mods or any form of game modification is prohibited.
Blatant use of macros in particular will result in a ban.
To prevent cheesing maps by starting them from the top or higher than the time attack zone, here is the new rule : "Every run must start from the ground (time attack zone)."
A new rule has been added and is to be respected for every submitted runs or they will be rejected :
"The game version must be shown on the title screen before starting or after finishing a run or in the pause menu after finishing a run."
Pausing the game for 1 or 2 second or exiting to main menu at the end of a run should suffice. This rule is important because it is the only way to verify that the game version of a submitted run is correct.
Patch 1.4.9 is out, and with it the hand-spam and crampons mechanics have been changed.
To keep the community active, a new category for Patch 1.4.9+ will be created for Stamp% and Pocketwatch%. Once the leaderboards are filled up and if no further changes to hand-spam and crampons are made, the old patch categories will be archived. Only submissions for Patch 1.4.9+ will be accepted.
Changes to Sundered Sons (again) : New rock
Changes to Cromlech : New fence
Happy speedclimbing!
Patch 1.4.7b is out, and with it some changes were made to Old Weald's Boulder.
It is no longer possible to stand on top of the boulder right outside the fence.
All previously submitted runs utilizing this strat will thus become invalid.
Happy speedclimbing!
Patch 1.4.6 is out, and with it some changes were made to Sundered Sons.
It is no longer possible to grab this hold from the ground :
All runs that have been verified prior to this change will thus be rejected and you will need to submit a new run with this patch. The developper is aware of the speedrunning community and will probably keep adjusting maps to better suit his vision. Everytime, runs affected by changes will become obsolete.
Happy speedclimbing!
The speedrun submissions are now opened
The Autosplitter is now available and the instructions for its setup can be found here :
New categories
Individual level categories :
- Complete a peak.
- Time starts when you gain control. Time ends when the stamp is picked up.
- All mechanics authorized.
Pocketwatch% (Patch 1.4.5)
- Timer used is in-game timer (Pocket watch). Pocket watch must be enabled at the start of a level before any attempt.
- The run ends when the time is given by the clipboard.
- All mechanics authorized except ropes and harness.
Full game categories :
- Complete the game, in any order, on a fresh savefile and reach the Normal Ending.
- Time starts when you gain control in the first selected peak. Time ends when the Normal Ending cinematic starts.
- All mechanics authorized.
All Peaks + 2 subcategories for YFYD and Free Solo
- Complete all 37 peaks, in any order, on a fresh savefile and reach the True Ending.
- Time starts when you gain control in the first selected peak. Time ends when the True Ending cinematic starts.
- All mechanics authorized.
ST Any% + 2 subcategories for YFYD and Free Solo
- Reach and complete Solemn Tempest, from a fresh savefile.
- Time starts when you gain control in the first selected peak. Time ends when the loading screen after beating Solemn Tempest starts.
- All mechanics authorized.
- Get all collectibles and complete all 37 peaks, in any order, on a fresh savefile and reach the True Ending.
- Time starts when you gain control in the first selected peak. Time ends when the loading screen after beating Solemn Tempest starts.
- All mechanics authorized.
New general rules
- Timing is done using RTA (LiveSplit), except for the Pocketwatch% category which uses IGT (Pocket watch).
- Closing the game during the run is prohibited. This includes crashes.
- Entering a level in another save file during the run is prohibited.
- Using cheats or any form of game modification that can give an advantage over other runners is prohibited. (Textures mods are fine for example)
- Altering any game files is prohibited.
- The use of any third-party programs that directly affect the game are banned, with the exception of keyboard/mouse input display and autosplitters.
Verification Requirements
- All runs require permanent video proof with the timer visible.
- Unless you're running Pocketwatch%, the recording should start from the level selection book.
- Make sure that all digits down to the hundredths (.00) are clearly visible for the entire run.
- The category you are running should be visible on the timer.
- For Full-game runs, the game version must be shown on the title screen before starting.
- Throughout the run, please refrain from obstructing any HUD indications with an overlay. This includes the pocket watch timer, the number of remaining items and the game mode icon (YFYD and Free Solo).
Additional recommendations
- Game audio should be clearly audible, please refrain from obstructing the game audio quality. This includes listening to music too loud dunring a run.
- Game video quality should be sufficient to perform verifications.
Note that while in-game sound is not required for most submissions, if your video does not have sound and has significant amounts of dropped frames, stuttering, or cuts from tabbing out of the game, it cannot be verified. Using Borderless fullscreen is recommended.
Patch Restriction
- The run must be performed on the newest patch available at time of play. Old patches are not allowed unless specified for a category.
- Any exploits that are not possible to perform on the most up-to-date PC patch are banned.
The autosplitter / load remover is being verified and should be publicly available soon. In the meantime, all submissions are suspended. Patch 1.4.5 also changed how the Pocket watch works which makes the current Pocketwatch% (previously known as Books Any%) obsolete. A new Pocketwatch% category will thus be created replacing it. Submissions for this category are also suspended.
All the changes regarding categories and rules will be detailed in another post once the submissions are opened again.
Since it is possible to get a 00:00:00 time on the clipboard on some levels, especially Old Mill, the rules for the Books Any% category have been updated (with some added precision) :
- Timer used is in-game timer (Pocket watch). Pocket watch must be enabled at the start of a level before any attempt and must be triggered by grabbing or touching a hold. The run ends when the time is given by the clipboard.
- Runs that end with 00:00:00 on the clipboard must be submitted as 00:00:001 to separate them from 00:00:01 runs.
- All mechanics authorized except safety ropes and harness.
FullMec Any%
- Time starts when you gain control. Time ends when the stamp is placed.
- All glitch and mechanics authorized.
Books Any%
- Timer used is in-game timer, so when first rock is touched, and end with the time given by the clipboard.
Full Book Prepared Any%
- Complete all the level of the different Books.
- Timer start when you get control on the first level, and end when your time stop on the last level.
- You have to play the levels in the order of the book.
- You need to complete all levels.
- Allowed to have ropes and junk hanging for use and skips, no need to restart level if you fall.
- Use of glitch authorized.
Full Book Fresh Glitchless Any%
- Complete all the level of the different Books.
- Timer start when you get control on the first level, and end when your time stop on the last level.
- You have to play the levels in the order of the book.
- You need to complete all levels.
- Use of glitch and ropes unauthorized.
The new Fast coffee mod by Kaden is now allowed for Pocketwatch%. You can download the mod here :