Live Split Auto Splitter
3 months ago
Seattle, WA, USA
She/Her, It/Its
3 months ago

Hello, with the KEX port, comes a whole new board to run. That being said, anyone know of an auto splitter? I don't need start and end, just levels. Thanks in advance, and either way happy ripping and tearing.

As far as i'm aware one doesn't exist, having said that someone in the discord mentioned they were thinking about making an auto splitter so maybe in the future we will have one.

Seattle, WA, USA
She/Her, It/Its
3 months ago

I am currently trying, but by trying that means i am banging my head on cheat engine to find pointers. This is new to me, and i know the theory, but i am failing. I do hope it gets made. The discord is buzzing with KEX stuff.

Now if they would fix the save load bug.


I don't know if it helps, but I think I managed to find the lvl's time address. I'm not sure about what value represents and if 4Bytes is even the correct type, but that value only updates while you're playing. It stops when you finish the lvl and resets once you start another one.

I also was looking for some sort of lvl status to know if the player is playing or in the menus/finish screen and I found a value that keeps changing between 0 and 1, but I stopped before finding a pointer because I didnt have much time. I'm not sure if this value carries into the main menu or not so we could use it to auto reset.

For those who don't know, you can use the command exitlevel to skip the level and test is properly. Theres also the command debug_menu, but couldnt find anything useful for testing

编辑者 作者 3 months ago
DyasAlure 喜欢这个
SR50 Is Now Possible on Kex!

Hey everyone!

Yesterday, an update for the Kex Port was released. Among the many patches and quality-of-life changes made, the update made SR50, a faster straferunning technique, possible on Kex!

To perform SR50 (StrafeRun-50), one must have a forward input and two strafe inputs fo

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