23 days ago
United States

i can pay like 1k robux and give bux% and venom% 1st and 2nd place robux (demo 2 and 3 are the only ones counted for this) averaging about 125 robux per person i would make this into an actual news thing but uhhh... im not a mod or anything unofficial bounty until something else happens, go get em runners, i got robux and time

United States

rules ig: dont cheat, no runs longer than like 45 minutes on bux% (ALL THE BUX% RUNS NEED TO GO TILL LATEST CHAPTER (ch 3 runs go till ch 3 bux, ch 2 ARCHIVE will go into ch 2 bux (obv) or 40 minutes on venom% (if they are longer, your outta here) quick note: mobile and console runs DO count for this, its just highly unlikely they will get wr compared to pc, deadline is demo 4

编辑者 作者 22 days ago
California, USA

what about 40 minute venom

United States

it would be wr + 10 minutes for max time so yea 40 min actually better lol

United States

this is going to be official hold on

Oopsie daisy!

Hello runners. If it isnt obvious we uhh, have not been verifying runs as of recent. the removal of apple pie made runs just slow to a halt. sure it kinda is our fault. but just so you know, when demo 2 comes out we will actually try to fix this category... cheers!

3 months ago
发布于 22 days ago
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发布于 1 month ago
发布于 1 month ago
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