Oreo Message: Time starts at 0:00:35.334 and ends at 0:01:07.167 with a framerate of 30 FPS to get a final time of 0:00:31.833.
Retimed using BST
Mod Message: Time starts at 0:00:35.334 and ends at 0:01:07.167 with a framerate of 30 FPS to get a final time of 0:00:31.833.
Retimed using Better Speedrun Timer
this retimer kinda mid tbh, use https://somewes.com/frame-count/ instead
Timing Changes
There will be only 3 categories that will change this being:
Item Pickups
These will all be changed to first movement. I will retime the old runs and see if they have first movement. If they have first movement before the fade in cutscene, they will stay. However, if they don't, they