发布于 1 year ago

We encourage everyone to check out Angel at Dusk Speedrunning.

ぜひスピードランニング ゲームをチェックしてみてください。

It's a very fun game with plenty to do for a Shoot'Em Up Bullet Hell. The main theme of the game uses Angelic Horror with a Grotesquerie art style. Very simple controls and easy to learn, but difficult to master offering satisfaction as you get better and learn more through playing. Angel at Dusk encourages aggressive risk vs reward play incentivizing smart playing and awareness even during the many chaotic fire fights you are sure to get into.

ゲームのメインテーマには、グロテスクなアート スタイルを備えたエンジェリック ホラーが使用されています。
コントロールは非常にシンプルで習得は簡単ですが、マスターするのは難しく、プレイを通じて上達し、より多くのことを学ぶと満足感が得られます。 夕暮れの天使 は積極的なリスク対報酬のプレイを奨励し、間違いなく巻き込まれる多くの混乱した銃撃戦の中でも賢いプレイと意識を刺激します。

You can visit the Steam Store page to learn more about the game and pick up the demo to give it a try.

ストア ページにアクセスしてゲームの詳細を確認したり、デモを入手して試したりすることができます。

If your like me you probably have not played a lot of Shmups or similar games and at first glance the game can seem scary and overwhelming. But have no fear, this game is really easy to get into and even has 2 full length tutorials to teach newcomers to the genre as well as get you started with learning the basics for the game itself.

私と同じように、シューティング ゼム アップや同様のゲームをあまりプレイしたことがない人は、一見すると怖くて圧倒されるゲームに見えるかもしれません。しかし、心配する必要はありません。このゲームは非常に簡単に始められ、初心者にこのジャンルを教えるだけでなく、ゲーム自体の基本を学び始めるための 2 つの完全なチュートリアルもあります。

Our goal with the community is to make it easy for those who may only know English or Japanese to feel welcome and get to know each other and still interact with as little of a language barrier as possible.


We have been working on making sure that translations are available to both languages within the community and for the leaderboards or other content that would be helpful for others to see or learn from.


Join the Discord Server and be apart of the community.


We are still getting things setup inside the community server, as well as the leaderboards. Please be patient with us as we continue to update things, you can always ask or see what's going on within the discord community to keep up to date with things.


We look forward to others picking up the game and giving it a shot with some arcade style speedruns. More news and such will follow as we continue working on the game.

他の人がこのゲームを手に取り、アーケード スタイルのスピードランで試してみるのを楽しみにしています。
Join the Community!

ぜひスピードランニング ゲームをチェックしてみてください。

It's a very fun game with plenty to do for a Shoot'Em Up Bullet Hell. The main theme of the game uses Angel

1 year ago