80 Days Essentials
80 Days Essentials
更新时间 1 month ago Stuker

First, go into the settings and increase text speed to maximum. Now you're ready to speedrun this game :)

I recommended to leave the full title scroll at the start before starting the game (until the "Based on the Novel by Jules Verne" disappears), as that can glitch out with the early menus/display if it hasn't faded out. It's the only real chore of this run.

There are multiple routes to this game, the one through the North Pole is semi-consistent (you only have to worry about Fogg not dying so getting a good relationship with him before) but there's a lot of fewer day routes that could be a lot quicker. The less stops (so less events) the better. Map of routing by vaderence:


Spacebar will skip the travel to the next event at certain points. Very useful. Spam it.

Every time you close and open the game there will be new items. If you restart that will stay the same, and I think the seed as well. There are 8 different "seeds" which determine travel prices (the one we care the most a bout) and other minor elements. If you go to the Menu, the title of the chapter is the seed reference. All seeds:


The rest is just having your mouse/selecting options very fast. Have fun!
