"Mission Accepted" point difference between versions
3 years ago
North Carolina, USA

In one version of the game (with the curved text on the sidebar), you receive 100,000 points for accepting a mission, whereas in the other version (original Space Cadet design) you only get 10,000. This seems like a pretty extreme difference and I don't necessarily agree that both versions should be compared on the same leaderboards. Thoughts? (For evidence of this see Vodzilla's current 1,000,000 point 1st place run - and jackasplat's current 1,000,000point 3rd place run - )

Pinballwiz45b 喜欢这个
West Virginia, USA

This is something I need to address with the other mods as well, since I'm not the original moderator and was brought on board, given my knowledge with both titles. I agree that the scoring differences make Full Tilt biased towards score-based runs, much like how multiball can speed up finishing missions and ranking up.

Splitting the leaderboards between 1.0 and 1.1 looks like a massive undertaking, given the amount of runs submitted. I'll test the waters with Fleet Admiral, but the rest of the categories requires some team effort, assuming we go straight into making subcategories.

I appreciate that you've brought this up -- this has been on my mind since some of my runs have also been accepted with Full Tilt in mind.

EDIT: You should also note the difference between finishing missions -- a flat 500,000 vs. a 1,000,000+ jackpot, which is much more noticeable.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
West Virginia, USA

Alright, so here's what's happening:

I went ahead and added the Game Version variable for most of the runs submitted to the board, including obsoleted times, differentiating between 3D Pinball and Full Tilt. You can now filter between the two versions or leave both of them together. We can split the leaderboards through sub-categories later, if necessary.

Maelstrom is also added as a main category, as another suitable goal to aim for.