30XX ?
Probably when the game fully releases. Radiooptimism already tried to request a leaderboard for the game, but they denied for that reason. On the meantime, we are holding a leaderboard on google sheet until we can have a full leaderboard on SRC: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13yFGUvS4kFwAiQid8sri42jYBpQbp6bcjuJNhHuk8NI Times can also be submitted through here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LOu37_3o_1J6ZF4nnk-Duzrr4QOKGmsKa4i8qzy86s4
So, 30XX is officially out now; does that mean we will be getting a leaderboard for that game soon? cause a moderator of this page has to request it.