Three Second Time Save
7 years ago
Michigan, USA

In any% cutting out the candle bed all together, and relying on the bed in Madotsuki's room saves three seconds. To skip the candle bed you get midget with 8x and re exit out the door.

The obvious issue with this route is it makes it so you only have a 1/5 of succeeding in getting the bed in the room to teleport you. It is placed around half way in the run, so it makes this time save very impractical.

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Old Patch Archived Leaderboards | 6 June 2022

In an upcoming leaderboard change, runs in the Any% Old Patch category will be archived and effectively removed from the leaderboards.

To preserve legitimate times performed on this patch, they will be merged into what will soon be the main Any% category, Any% JP & Steam. A 1 second timeloss will

2 years ago
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