Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories - Any %
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories - Any %
Updated 9 years ago by froggy25

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VOEzBhbgGgsSYZsCfjPOQ_RojgrtDvVd_p3LN2DCfE0

To do : Reduce the password list to ~40 cards ?

============================ Rules

  1. Timing starts when you confirm your name and ends when you call the credits with the use of the password code.
  2. You must unlock the credits-password by defeating Darknite five times.
  3. Use of card-passwords is permitted.

============================ Routing

  1. Enter 44 card passwords.
  2. Defeat each opponent 5 times.
  3. Enter the credits password.

============================ Passwords

94773007 - Jirai Gumo 21417692 - Dark Elf 69140098 - Gemini Elf 07359741 - Mechanicalchacer 12493482 - Dunames Dark Witch 97590747 - La Jinn the Mystical Genie 71107816 - The Bistro Butcher 23771716 - 7 colored Fish 58831685 - Giant Red Seasnake 05053103 - Battle Ox 41396436 - Blue-winged Crown 13723605 - Man-Eating Treasure Chest 91939608 - Rogue Doll 16899564 - Beautiful Headhuntress 66672569 - Dragon Zombie 47060154 - Mystic Clown 87564352 - Blackland Fire Dragon 20277860 - Armored Zombie 92667214 - Clown Zombie 40374923 - Mammoth Graveyard 88733579 - Drill Bug 99426834 - Beastking of the Swamp 15042735 - Hurricail 76704943 - Yamatano Dragon Scroll 90963488 - Nemuriko 15401633 - B. Flame Kagemusha 53581214 - Fire Reaper 52800428 - Fiend's Hand 96851799 - Hinotama Soul 71625222 - Time Wizard 46461247 - Trap Master 02830619 - Flame Viper 40640057 - Kuriboh 55763552 - Dragon Piper 40240595 - Cocoon of Evolution (Evolves to Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth) 38247752 - Dark-eyes Illusionist 27125110 - Thousand-eyes Idol 57728570 - Crush Card 40703222 - Multiply 77754944 - Widespread Ruin 41356845 - Acid Trap Hole 15361130 - Invisible Wire 78977532 - Bear Trap 77622396 - Reverse Trap

============================ Tristan (400)

Out : #402 Monster Eye #548 Bone Mouse #444 Turu-Purun #444 Turu-Purun #197 Mech-Mole Zombie #422 Jinzo #7 #202 Air Marmot of Nefariousness #137 Mystery Hand #137 Mystery Hand #137 Mystery Hand #182 Masked Clown

In : #016 Time Wizard #096 Armored Zombie #098 Clown Zombie #122 Yamatano Dragon Scroll #129 Nemuriko #135 Fiend's Hand #174 Hurricail #683 Bear Trap #684 Invisible Wire #685 Acid Trap Hole #774 Drill Bug

After 1st victory: Out : #009 Shadow Specter In : #97 Dragon Zombie

NOTE : Attack hidden def cards with Forest / Water / Earth / Light only. Not that it will change anything, but you would lose 1 turn by losing a monster. Tristan is the easiest opponent in the game.

============================ Mai (425)

Out : #475 Sinister Serpent #009 Shadow Specter #009 Shadow Specter #563 Wretched Ghost of the Attic #611 Hiro's Shadow Scout #611 Hiro's Shadow Scout #420 Cyber-Stein

In : #010 Blackland Fire Dragon #058 Kuriboh #224 Trap Master #367 Jirai Gumo #686 Widespread Ruin #689 Reverse Trap #785 Multiply

NOTE : Attack hidden def cards with non-Fiend non-Earth non-Wind 550+ ATK monsters. She has 2 Harpie Lady, 4 Equip cards and 2 Elegant Egotist, keep Forest monsters for these. She plays 3 Harpie's Feather Duster, so try to play a trap on first turn to remove one of these, so your next traps are not removed.

============================ Yugi Muto (450)

Out : #609 Bladefly #506 Gale Dogra

In : #532 Gemini Elf #551 Dark Elf

NOTE : He has 2 Dark Hole. Do not attack hidden def cards with Forest on first turn.

============================ Joey (475)

Out : #504 Fungi of the Musk #410 Mechanical Spider

In : #440 7 Colored Fish #447 Giant Red Seasnake

NOTE : He has 2 Dark Hole. He plays Swordsman of Landstar (1200 def, Light), Mountain Warrior (1000 def, Earth) and Air Marmot (600 def, Devil).

============================ Mako Tsunami (500)

Out : #397 Leghul

In : #795 Dunames Dark Witch

NOTE : Attack hidden def cards with non-Fire non-Thunder 750+ ATK Super easy, except if you get a crappy starting hand, and he proceeds to summon his Fortress Whale.

============================ Espa Roba (525)

Out : #211 Kaminarikozou

In : #415 Mechanicalchacer

NOTE : Attack hidden def cards with non-Forest non-Fire 1100+ ATK.

============================ Seeker (550)

Out : #516 Muka-Muka

In : #636 Blue-winged Crown

NOTE : Attack hidden def cards with 1800+ ATK or Wind monsters as much as possible Do NOT attack hidden def cards with Fire or Electric monsters He plays 3 Raigeki for lulz, as he has no good monster to attack you with.

============================ Rex Raptor (575)

Out : #475 Sinister Serpent #475 Sinister Serpent #436 White Dolphin #524 Star-Boy #549 Frog the Jam #579 Abyss Flower

In : #026 Battle Ox #154 Fire Reaper #379 La Jinn the Mystical Genie #523 The Bistro Butcher #730 Dark-eyes Illusionist #733 Thousand-eyes Idol

NOTE : Spam Wind monsters. Easy win.

============================ Weevil (600)

Out : #207 Droll Bird #122 Yamatano Dragon Scroll #122 Yamatano Dragon Scroll #174 Hurricail #636 Blue-winged Crown

In : #040 Dragon Piper #210 Hinotama Soul #214 B. Flame Kagemusha #644 Flame Viper #661 Crush Card

NOTE : Spam Fire monsters. Easy win.

============================ Pandora (625)

Out : #399 Swordsman from a Foreign Land

In : #771 Man-Eating Treasure Chest

NOTE : Do NOT attack hidden def cards with Light monsters. He uses Dark and a few Fiend monsters, so Dream and a few Light monsters are the way to go.

============================ Kaiba (650)

Out : #397 Leghul

In : #234 Beautiful Headhuntress

============================ Simon Muran (675)

Out : #527 Milus Radiant

In : #258 Beastking of the Swamp

NOTE : Do NOT attack hidden def cards with Fiend monsters He uses lot of Light monsters... Spam Dark monsters, and hope he doesn't abuse Brain Control too much.

=========================== P. Seto (700)

Out : #774 Drill Bug

In : #072 Cocoon of Evolution

NOTE : He plays 3 Raigeki, 3 Dark Hole, and 3 CHANGE OF HEART. Sometimes, P. Seto will start with 3 Change of Heart in his hand, and there's nothing you can do about it. Other times, he will be a pushover, discarding a card and ending his turn. Pray to the RNGoddess in due form and you should / could / might be probably fine.

=========================== Heishin (725)

Out : #393 Zone Eater

In : #044 Rogue Doll

NOTE : The easiest opponent of the 3rd area. He plays 2 Swords of Revealing Light, but as he doesn't have anything else dangerous you shouldn't worry too much about it. Sometimes he uses Megamorph on his Fiend monsters, keep Light monsters for these.

=========================== Isis Ishtar (750)

Out : #096 Armored Zombie #098 Clown Zombie

In : #059 Mammoth Graveyard #281 Mystic Clown

NOTE : Do NOT attack hidden def cards with Fiend monsters She uses lot of Light monsters... and the dreaded Swords of Revealing Light. You'll learn to hate this card, trust me. Because of this, you might have to handle Sand Witch, Harpie Lady Sisters, and Performance of Sword which is a Devine monster. Play the Trap cards and Crush Cards you looted on your way, that's the second most dangerous fight of this run after DarkNite.

=========================== DarkNite (775)

Out : #730 Dark-eyes Illusionist

In : #636 Blue-winged Crown

NOTE : Play the Trap cards, Crush Cards, Trap Masters, and 1600 ATK+ monsters you looted on your way if you have the DC for these. Remove the Dream monsters first to add these cards. His Level 4 monsters are Fiend ×3 / Light ×3 / Earth ×6 / Forest ×3 (Jirai Gumo is the best monster in the game, be careful about that one). So play Fire, Light, Dark, and a few Wind monsters to help your 1800 ATK+ monsters (his Earth monsters are the less dangerous) He likes to spam Brain Control and Change of Heart, try to make DarkNite use these on weak monsters or on Trap Master.

=========================== TEH URN !!!

42382443 - Credits


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