XIII Speedrunning Discord channel!
8 years ago

As of today "we" also have a Discord channel now! A nice place to see if this community is still alive ( Kappa ) and to share new strats, etc.


as a further note: I have been thinking about making a Segmented run that overclasses the current Segmented SDA run.

If you're interested in helping out just join the Discord channel where we can share strats, save files, etc.


MeHow likes this

Strange... I can't join your discord channel. Could you provide another link?

Anyway, I'm totally game for this, as I've wanted to beat for years this record on SDA. Could provide you a lot of informations how to manage weapon accuracy and stuffs: I've played a lot on MP at the time.

Also, making a XXX-run could be nice too, but once we'll do the any% run first.


https://discord.gg/0k0jBlmthCiJxOvj this should work for 24 hours. Sorry yeah i suck at discord. But yeah every information we got is good man just hop in and we can chat etc.!

Baden-Württemberg, Germany
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

If you want to create a permanent invite, click on "Advanced Settings" in the invite screen


and change "Expire After" to "Never"

Davdus likes this
Södermanland, Sweden

If anyone still runs this game i'd like the Discord link please :).


Actually, it's quite dead.

However, if you need any kind of strats or techniques to beat the game as easily as possible, you can ask me anything :)

Naywyn likes this
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