All Objectives Solo in 12m 24s by
I'm pretty sure this is the fastest time anyone has ever beaten this map on Legend. At the very least this is the first time someone has submitted a Legend run of Blightreaper to
That said, I made some mistakes during the run and got kinda bad potion RNG, so a time of 10-11 minutes should be doable with the god seed. My seed got pretty close, the ammo box in the finale was amazing to have.
Useful info:
- This was live on stream, I have not done runs on Blightreaper Legend before
- It took me 5 attempts to finish this run
- I had to reset all 4 runs before this one to a boss wall
- Overall, it took 45 minutes of grinding just to get one (1) Peasant Chest
- I pretty much got the perfect seed: No boss spawn, only one patrol (that did not chase me), 2 speed pots, 1 conc pot, ammo box in the finale
- Daggers: Block Cost, Crit Chance, Ressourceful
- Hagbane: VS Armor, Crit Chance, Scrounger
- Necklace: Block Cost, HP, Boon
- Charm: VS Infantery, VS Skaven, Decanter
- Trinket: Movespeed, Cooldown, Grenadier
- Talents: 3, 3, 2, 2, 1
Recent runs
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