These rankings are my list of top 10 players based on all time known history. The placings are opinion but based on statistics. I am most likely to know of your achievements if you have submitted them (videos are also valuable).
Shibby's Ranking List April 2020
Top 10:
- Shibbypod
- Doctorfeesh
- Game
- mo_moe
- BradenHall
- MetalHead
- AS_Money
- MyOhMyPancakes
- meauxdal
- the_androgyne
Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:
- andypanther
- KoiIroHoshi
- QuickpersonsIND
- Stonecoldhard
Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:
- Bobakanoosh
- Bunta
- GhillieGuide
Legends: J Whalls Mahrla Illudude
Inactives: AdmiralSmit Analogism Bert
Old Lists
January 2020
- Shibbypod
- Doctorfeesh
- Game
- mo_moe
- MetalHead
- Braden Hall
- AS Money
- MyOhMyPancakes
- meauxdal
- the_androgyne
Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:
- andypanther
- Hoshi
- QuickPersonsIND
- Stonecoldhard
Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:
- Bert
- Bunta
- GhillieGuide
- MrPitchy
Legends: J. Whalls Mahrla Illu
- @AdmiralSmit
- @analog
- @Illu
October 2019
Top 10:
- Shibbypod
- Doctorfeesh
- Game
- mo_moe
- MetalHead
- MyOhMyPancakes
- AS_Money
- BradenHall
- meauxdal
- the_androgyne
Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:
- andypanther
- KoiIroHoshi
- QuickpersonsIND
- Stonecoldhard
Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:
- Bert
- Bunta
- GhillieGuide
- MrPitchy
Legends: J Whalls Mahrla Illudude
June 2019
Top 10:
- Shibbypod
- Doctorfeesh
- Game
- Hayate
- MetalHead
- meauxdal
- the_androgyne
- MyOhMyPancakes
- AS_Money
- QuickPersonsIND
Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:
- andypanther
- Bert86
- Braden Hall
- KoiIroHoshi
Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:
- Bunta
- GhillieGuide
- MrPitchy
- Stonecoldhard
Legends: J Whalls Mahrla Illudude
January 2019
Top 10:
- Shibbypod
- Game
- Hayate
- mo_moe
- Illudude
- Doctorfeesh
- MetalHead
- meauxdal
- the_androgyne
- QuickPersonsIND
Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:
- AS Money
- GhillieGuide
- Hoshi
- MyOhMyPancakes
Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:
- andypanther
- Bert86
- Kirch
- Stonecoldhard
Legends: J. Whalls Mahrla Illudude Hayate
- AdmiralSmit
- Analogism
- RyanLockwood
June 2018
- Shibbypod =
- mo_moe =
- Illudude +1
- Game +2
- Hayate -2
- the_androgyne +5
- meauxdal =
- KoiIroHoshi +1
- Doctorfeesh new
- MetalHead new
Tier 1 Honorable Mentions: andypanther = AS_Money +1 GhillieGuide -1 QuickpersonsIND =
Tier 2 Honorable Mentions: Bobakanoosh = Bunta = StoneColdHard12 = MyOhMyPancakes *new
Legends: Whalls Mahrla Illudude
January 2018
Top 10:
- Shibbypod =
- mo_moe +2
- Hayate -1
- Illudude -1
- Ryan Lockwood =
- Game +5
- meauxdal *new
- Analogism -2
- KoiIroHoshi -2
- GhillieGuide -2
Tier 1 Honorable Mentions: AdmiralSmit = andypanther -1 the_androgyne = QuickpersonsIND +1
Tier 2 Honorable Mentions: AS Money new Bobakanoosh new Bunta *new StoneColdHard12
July 2017
- Shibbypod
- Hayate
- Illudude
- mo_moe
- Ryan Lockwood
- Analogism
- KoiIroHoshi
- GhillieGuide
- Jason Whalls
- AndyPanther
January 2017
- Shibbypod =
- Hayate +1
- Illudude -1
- Analogism =
- Lockwood =
- Admiralsmit =
- Ghillieguide +2
- Jason Whalls -1
- AndyPanther +1
- Game -2
Honorable Mentions (Closest to top 10 but just outside this time - Alphabetical) QuickpersonsIND Stonecoldhard12 the_androgyne
June 2016
Top 10
- Shibbypod
- Illudude
- Hayate
- Analogism
- RyanLockwood
- AdmiralSmit
- Jason Whalls
- Game
- GhillieGuide
- Andypanther
Honorable Mentions (Closest to top 10 but just outside this time - Alphabetical) QuickpersonsIND Stonecoldhard12 the_androgyne
Feb 2016
- Shibbypod
- Illudude
- Hayate
- RyanLockwood
- Analogism
- AdmiralSmit
- Jason Whalls
- QuickpersonsIND
- The Androgyne
- Game
Updated! Let me know what you guys think. I used mostly statistics from everyones submissions, with a touch of personal opinion to make this list.
Guess I need to start inputting some of my old times, lol I think I'm going to beat all of my old Reverse scores before submitting them. Then I want the one time of 1'11"xxx on Drake Lake, that time has just been teasing me forever.
Bump for the most recent update: June 2019
- Shibbypod
- Doctorfeesh
- Game
- Hayate
- MetalHead
- meauxdal
- the_androgyne
- MyOhMyPancakes
- AS_Money
- QuickPersonsIND
Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:
- andypanther
- Bert86
- Braden Hall
- KoiIroHoshi
Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:
- Bunta
- GhillieGuide
- MrPitchy
- Stonecoldhard
Legends: J Whalls Mahrla Illudude Hayate
Inactives: AdmiralSmit Analogism RyanLockwood Illudude mo_moe
This has again been updated with the following list as of April 2020
Top 10:
- Shibbypod
- Doctorfeesh
- Game
- mo_moe
- BradenHall
- MetalHead
- AS_Money
- MyOhMyPancakes
- meauxdal
- the_androgyne
Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:
- andypanther
- KoiIroHoshi
- QuickpersonsIND
- Stonecoldhard
Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:
- Bobakanoosh
- Bunta
- GhillieGuide
Legends: J Whalls Mahrla Illudude
Inactives: AdmiralSmit Analogism Bert