Shibby's Rankings
9 years ago
Michigan, USA

These rankings are my list of top 10 players based on all time known history. The placings are opinion but based on statistics. I am most likely to know of your achievements if you have submitted them (videos are also valuable).

Shibby's Ranking List April 2020

Top 10:

  1. Shibbypod
  2. Doctorfeesh
  3. Game
  4. mo_moe
  5. BradenHall
  6. MetalHead
  7. AS_Money
  8. MyOhMyPancakes
  9. meauxdal
  10. the_androgyne

Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:

  • andypanther
  • KoiIroHoshi
  • QuickpersonsIND
  • Stonecoldhard

Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:

  • Bobakanoosh
  • Bunta
  • GhillieGuide
  • MDK

Legends: J Whalls Mahrla Illudude

Inactives: AdmiralSmit Analogism Bert


Edited by the author 4 years ago
Michigan, USA

Old Lists

January 2020

  1. Shibbypod
  2. Doctorfeesh
  3. Game
  4. mo_moe
  5. MetalHead
  6. Braden Hall
  7. AS Money
  8. MyOhMyPancakes
  9. meauxdal
  10. the_androgyne

Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:

  • andypanther
  • Hoshi
  • QuickPersonsIND
  • Stonecoldhard

Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:

  • Bert
  • Bunta
  • GhillieGuide
  • MrPitchy

Legends: J. Whalls Mahrla Illu


  • @AdmiralSmit
  • @analog
  • @Illu

October 2019

Top 10:

  1. Shibbypod
  2. Doctorfeesh
  3. Game
  4. mo_moe
  5. MetalHead
  6. MyOhMyPancakes
  7. AS_Money
  8. BradenHall
  9. meauxdal
  10. the_androgyne

Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:

  • andypanther
  • KoiIroHoshi
  • QuickpersonsIND
  • Stonecoldhard

Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:

  • Bert
  • Bunta
  • GhillieGuide
  • MrPitchy

Legends: J Whalls Mahrla Illudude

June 2019

Top 10:

  1. Shibbypod
  2. Doctorfeesh
  3. Game
  4. Hayate
  5. MetalHead
  6. meauxdal
  7. the_androgyne
  8. MyOhMyPancakes
  9. AS_Money
  10. QuickPersonsIND

Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:

  • andypanther
  • Bert86
  • Braden Hall
  • KoiIroHoshi

Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:

  • Bunta
  • GhillieGuide
  • MrPitchy
  • Stonecoldhard

Legends: J Whalls Mahrla Illudude

January 2019

Top 10:

  1. Shibbypod
  2. Game
  3. Hayate
  4. mo_moe
  5. Illudude
  6. Doctorfeesh
  7. MetalHead
  8. meauxdal
  9. the_androgyne
  10. QuickPersonsIND

Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:

  • AS Money
  • GhillieGuide
  • Hoshi
  • MyOhMyPancakes

Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:

  • andypanther
  • Bert86
  • Kirch
  • Stonecoldhard

Legends: J. Whalls Mahrla Illudude Hayate


  • AdmiralSmit
  • Analogism
  • RyanLockwood

June 2018

  1. Shibbypod =
  2. mo_moe =
  3. Illudude +1
  4. Game +2
  5. Hayate -2
  6. the_androgyne +5
  7. meauxdal =
  8. KoiIroHoshi +1
  9. Doctorfeesh new
  10. MetalHead new

Tier 1 Honorable Mentions: andypanther = AS_Money +1 GhillieGuide -1 QuickpersonsIND =

Tier 2 Honorable Mentions: Bobakanoosh = Bunta = StoneColdHard12 = MyOhMyPancakes *new

Legends: Whalls Mahrla Illudude

January 2018

Top 10:

  1. Shibbypod =
  2. mo_moe +2
  3. Hayate -1
  4. Illudude -1
  5. Ryan Lockwood =
  6. Game +5
  7. meauxdal *new
  8. Analogism -2
  9. KoiIroHoshi -2
  10. GhillieGuide -2

Tier 1 Honorable Mentions: AdmiralSmit = andypanther -1 the_androgyne = QuickpersonsIND +1

Tier 2 Honorable Mentions: AS Money new Bobakanoosh new Bunta *new StoneColdHard12

July 2017

  1. Shibbypod
  2. Hayate
  3. Illudude
  4. mo_moe
  5. Ryan Lockwood
  6. Analogism
  7. KoiIroHoshi
  8. GhillieGuide
  9. Jason Whalls
  10. AndyPanther

January 2017

  1. Shibbypod =
  2. Hayate +1
  3. Illudude -1
  4. Analogism =
  5. Lockwood =
  6. Admiralsmit =
  7. Ghillieguide +2
  8. Jason Whalls -1
  9. AndyPanther +1
  10. Game -2

Honorable Mentions (Closest to top 10 but just outside this time - Alphabetical) QuickpersonsIND Stonecoldhard12 the_androgyne

June 2016

Top 10

  1. Shibbypod
  2. Illudude
  3. Hayate
  4. Analogism
  5. RyanLockwood
  6. AdmiralSmit
  7. Jason Whalls
  8. Game
  9. GhillieGuide
  10. Andypanther

Honorable Mentions (Closest to top 10 but just outside this time - Alphabetical) QuickpersonsIND Stonecoldhard12 the_androgyne

Feb 2016

  1. Shibbypod
  2. Illudude
  3. Hayate
  4. RyanLockwood
  5. Analogism
  6. AdmiralSmit
  7. Jason Whalls
  8. QuickpersonsIND
  9. The Androgyne
  10. Game
Edited by the author 4 years ago
GhillieGuide likes this
Michigan, USA

Updated! Let me know what you guys think. I used mostly statistics from everyones submissions, with a touch of personal opinion to make this list.

Michigan, USA

Just Now Updated!

Michigan, USA

Guess I need to start inputting some of my old times, lol I think I'm going to beat all of my old Reverse scores before submitting them. Then I want the one time of 1'11"xxx on Drake Lake, that time has just been teasing me forever.

Michigan, USA

Bump: Just Updated for July 2017

Michigan, USA

Bump for the most recent update: June 2019

  1. Shibbypod
  2. Doctorfeesh
  3. Game
  4. Hayate
  5. MetalHead
  6. meauxdal
  7. the_androgyne
  8. MyOhMyPancakes
  9. AS_Money
  10. QuickPersonsIND

Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:

  • andypanther
  • Bert86
  • Braden Hall
  • KoiIroHoshi

Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:

  • Bunta
  • GhillieGuide
  • MrPitchy
  • Stonecoldhard

Legends: J Whalls Mahrla Illudude Hayate

Inactives: AdmiralSmit Analogism RyanLockwood Illudude mo_moe

Edited by the author 5 years ago
AzaleaAkari likes this
Michigan, USA

This has again been updated with the following list as of April 2020

Top 10:

  1. Shibbypod
  2. Doctorfeesh
  3. Game
  4. mo_moe
  5. BradenHall
  6. MetalHead
  7. AS_Money
  8. MyOhMyPancakes
  9. meauxdal
  10. the_androgyne

Tier 1 Honorable Mentions:

  • andypanther
  • KoiIroHoshi
  • QuickpersonsIND
  • Stonecoldhard

Tier 2 Honorable Mentions:

  • Bobakanoosh
  • Bunta
  • GhillieGuide
  • MDK

Legends: J Whalls Mahrla Illudude

Inactives: AdmiralSmit Analogism Bert