Hey Folks! Suggestions?
2 years ago
United States
Super moderatorAlicetwopointoh
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

So, we are almost at a point where pure has more players on its board than any other wipeout game, We come a long way, and I just wanted to say thank you for patience in revamping and moving improvements along with the board! If you have any suggestions, such as making a discord server or etc, dont be afraid to ask, im a little slow as i dont speedrun much anymore, I do alot of art on the side these days and it takes up "competitive time" for the most part. But I'm thinking about trying my hand at some individual runs!

United States
Super moderatorAlicetwopointoh
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Ive thought about adding another mod to the team to make my life easier, they can also help with Pulse if they want considering im the only mod there too. If anyone is interested in that prospect just dm me!

North Carolina, USA

One thing that comes to mind for me is maybe splitting the IL stuff into fastest lap and time trial. I notice how certain other wipeout games do this such as Omega and Pulse and my main reason as to suggesting this is how there are certain runs that are verified as a normal time trial as opposed to the normal speed lap. Like with the phantom runs and certain venom runs. I don't know if this would clutter the leaderboards or not but I just think it would simplify certain parts and I know if this does get implamented I would do runs in both categories. But if it does then I'd understand it not adjusting it.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Alicetwopointoh likes this
United States
Super moderatorAlicetwopointoh
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

I assumed people were reading the rules and I didn't think thru those runs cuz I've been awfully busy, and I generally try to be as fast as I can verifying as to not make someone mad, I will go thru and fix these runs, the speed lap being the default individual was something the past mods did and I just went with it. We can try time trial boards but it for sure clutter things, as we already have a weird setup with emu and console full runs. But I should add time trial either way, to least be up to standard to other wipeout boards from other sites

United States
Super moderatorAlicetwopointoh
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

OH, I guess alot of it was before me as well! I might have been a part of some mess up regardless, as we used to have automatic verification setup for people who weren't even mods before we had the active current one (me) alot of these little things like to hide about since we started adding more and more so I appreciate people pointing out those details

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Czech Republic

As far as I know (back when Madsandy and GGeek were mods) - Wipeout Pure IL leaderboards always accepted full races instead of laps, since the amount of laps that you have to do changes for each difficulty. That's why there are leftovers like this (I'm not 100% sure as it's been quite some time ago but I'm pretty positive it was this way)

Alicetwopointoh likes this
North Carolina, USA

That makes sense considering other wipeout games do it based on that like with wipeout 3. Either way is fine with me just whatever makes it easier for everyone involved.

Alicetwopointoh likes this
United States
Super moderatorAlicetwopointoh
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

I mean im just going by what the rules say, its says going for fastest laps, but i can make a full time trial mode, which we should, i didnt put in that rule. ggeek stopped moderating for the most part, but he plans to come back, right now and for a while he has been busy with trackmania esports commentating

United States
Super moderatorAlicetwopointoh
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

We do have the different difficulties to make up for the oddity, so things like vector laps and phantom laps are seperate. i plan to see how i can keep full runs, and duplicate them over to time trial as well as speed lap, as a couple related users to the situation are probably not active much

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Okay I have reviewed the categories and have a couple comments/suggestions/questions. (1) Banning unlockable cars? -First and foremost what was the reasoning behind banning the use of the unlockable teams Medieval and Zone? These are part of the base game and Zone is far and away the best vehicle in the game. Not to cross games, however, that would be similar to saying TT is banned in Diddy Kong Racing because you have to unlock him despite him being the best racer. None of the DLC cars are better than Zone but I could still understand banning those because they aren't included in the base game. Unfortunately banning Zone is just making the run longer for no reason, I need an explanation.

(2) Ambiguous Rules -Second, the rules for the tournament modes do not specify 2 important things which are I guess mutually exclusive; Do you need to win the tournament? or can I just kill myself 4 races in a row? With the way the wording is right now there is nothing that wouldn't stop me from making that conclusion and doing a run that way. You might think that is common sense but rules NEED to be specific otherwise you are opening yourself up to ambiguity. If suicides are allowed It would save minutes to purposely destroy your vehicle to skip races, which the way the rules are worded right now would be allowed. That needs to be cleaned up to specifically say "win the tournament" and "the timer ends on finish line OR self-destruction", that's a pretty easy revision to make but it needs to be made.

(3) Category Clutter -Lastly there are too many categories cluttering up the board. Instead of making EMU it's own category just merge it into one with the option to select which loading method you use. You can still view by platform on the uniform board to see your "defacto" PSP time (looking at the legit PSP leaderbaord I don't think all those runs are on actual hardware anyway) I think it's safe to say EMU loading is going to be the main method with the best runs so having separate categories is redundant. Just make it one category and make the loading methods PSPEMU, PSTV/Vita (That's what I use), or PSP. It would make the board look a lot nicer and easier to read and navigate.

I want to push this game but with the state these boards are in I'm worried about doing full game runs until the rules are more specific and make sense. If you are still looking for a mod, I clearly have some fresh ideas to bring to the table.

I have no complaints/opinions about the IL categories, those are fine to stay the way they are.

Regards, Boston

CycloneJoker and 0xf0xx0 like this
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Alright, due to request and observation, Emulator runs and console runs will be seperate categories for tournament runs. Ill move the runs over sometime today. Console tends to have much slower load times and they tend to make a large impact overall. I wont be messing with individual runs since they

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