basic run plus: japanese to english
basic run plus: japanese to english
Updated 9 months ago by AmunSR

i did not translate the "blue" and "white" answers from "what was the color of" as they're painted in their color

question 1

海は、 何色でしたか? -- what was the color of the sea?

遠くにあった灯台の色は、 何色でしたか? -- what was the color of the lighthouse?

途中で、 ころびましたか? -- did you fall at all?

はい -- yes

いいえ -- no

question 2

どのマークが ありましたか? -- which one did you see?

一緒にゴールしたのは、 どの猫ですか? -- which cat finished with you?

question 3

犬は何匹、 走ってましたか? -- how many dogs were running?

途中で、 何回ころびましたか? -- how many times did you trip?