Almost Balloonless (Balloon-ride Skip)
Almost Balloonless (Balloon-ride Skip)
Updated 2 years ago by ShadowthePast

Normally, the player must sit on a 2 minute balloon ride to get up to the Sky Bower. However, breaking the balloon during takeoff and item hovering with a small rock/woodchip, we can skip the balloon ride and fly straight to the Sky Bower, saving around 1.5 minutes.

First, get a small rock. There are 2 next to 2 big rocks on the left side of the hub at the bottom of the mud, and one on the right side near the ant entrance. Bring it up to the balloon and put it on the platform (weave a web to attach it to the platform if you're worried about it falling off).

From here, there are two methods for breaking the balloon; Lasering the webs, or attaching the platform to the leaves as it rises.

Laser Method:

Weave 2 webs on the left side to attach the platform to the balloon, and 2 on the right side. (This is the exact number of webs needed to get the balloon to take off.)

Make the balloon take off, then grab your rock/woodchip and climb up on the left webs attaching the platform to the balloon. You want to make yourself parallel with the lip of the bottom of the balloon, with your cursor pointed at the webs you're on.

In the background, you can see the branches of the tree merge into one large branch. About 20 seconds after takeoff, the branch will split off. Once that fork reaches the bottom of the screen, wait like .5 seconds, then shoot the web. Here's a picture of the moment I shoot the web, note the red circle for my visual cue:

The webs should break. Immediately start spam jumping to hover with your rock/woodchip. (See here for item hovering via AutoHotKey jump spammer:

If you're too early, the web will break and the takeoff will cancel, but the balloon won't get high enough to open the canopy enough, so you can't fly through.

If you're too late, the webs will turn indestructible as the balloon enters its 2-minute flight. If you quit to main menu and reload your save, you should be at the moment right before the flight started, so you can try again.

Web to Leaves Method:

When building the balloon, attach ~5 webs to each side of the balloon to hoist the platform. This will allow it to takeoff while help ensure that they will break off later. Breaking the balloon is necessary, otherwise the princess bee will catch us if we get too far away from the balloon. Breaking the balloon deactivates her.

Once the boat takes off, climb up on the left webs and start attaching the left side of the platform to the green wall on the left (where there are leaves). Keep attaching webs until you're about here:

Then, quickly grab your small rock (break the web that attached it to the boat) and climb up on the left side of the web again. Once the webs attaching the balloon and platform together snap, start item hovering up the left side of the balloon (See here for item hovering via AutoHotKey jump spammer: The tree line should open up as the balloon stops ascending, allowing you enough time to fly through the opening before it closes.

If the canopy does not open, then the platform broke too early. Stop webbing the platform to the leaf wall sooner.

If the canopy opens, but the princess grabs you on your way out, then the balloon broke too late. Keep webbing the platform to the leaf wall for longer.

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I got the honor to show off Webbed Any% at AGDQ 2022, and I was able to claim WR! We peaked somewhere around 115k viewers, so it's amazing to get to show off the game to so many people.

Thank you so much for torqqes, SteelOsprei, and Noah for

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