Debug menu?
5 years ago
Texas, USA

Can we edit the any% rules to disallow the use of the debug menus, or create a new category that doesn't allow them? The free camera mode would really trivialize a lot of the gameplay now that large sections of levels can be skipped with little effort

Santa Catarina, Brazil

I guess good creating an "Debug%" So i guess a lot of people will start to do Wall-E speedruns

Colorado, USA

The rules were edited to not allow the debug menu. The attraction of the speedgame isn't because it's glitch-heavy. There isn't much interest already in the glitched runs, so adding a "Debug%" won't magically make the game popular.

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IL Timing Change

The rules for timing IL runs has changed.

Timing now starts on entering the chapter from the menu (Chapter menu or Replay this Chapter button), and ends on the first visible frame of the loading icon before the Results screen. (Some levels exclude this loading icon, in which case timing e

9 months ago