I see top runs moving their camera back and forth and climbing up ladders really fast. Is there a specific movement to this?
I've noticed there is an achievement work a secret on Level 3. There is one very specific part of the level with wonky physics when you jump up and press x, but nothing happens.
I'm hoping this secret area can be a potential time skip for runs. Anyone know how to reach it?
I got my Switch the month it came out, and since my controllers were a bit defective I have reason to believe my switch is also a bit defective. Loading times between stages for classic mode take ages, and it's a little frustrating that world record has really short loading times. Is there a way I can just pause the time during a loading screen, and if so when should I unpause?
Here is what I mean: Skip to places like 1:10. Very long.
I have a speed route on Krokotopia and I just need to remove a few kinks and quirks. Can this category become a thing if I speedrun it for the first time, or am I out of luck?