New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

HUGEEEE props on this run. Beat the previous tied WR by me and ASTRAIOS BY AN ENTIRE 11 SECONDS LIKE DAYUMMMM

ASTRAIOS likes this
New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

BTW, probably should of mentioned this earlier but the link doesn't work. To submit runs, we have to go through the discord post all the way back. Maybe wanna fix that :P

ASTRAIOS likes this
New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

Thankyou, During the same session, i managed to get 2 more 1:17. I was so close to beating that time again!

New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

Bruhhhh, cause I'm from australia and I'm like an entire day... waitttt im still confused. It says your going to do this run in an hour????

New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

This pains me to verify, beat me by 4 secconds... gg though!

ASTRAIOS likes this
New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

Maltaran, Ur "playing offline" section is exactly right, I get ads maybe once every 15mins and It doesn't make me want to download homescapes anymore than the last ad did. If you noticed, I will usually play easy and random offline, however my medium and expert 1 suit runs need to be played online because microsoft wont let me do them offline.

New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

also, in that short video that GUNDWN posted, how on earth am I supposed to splice a run. what sort of insane luck would I need to get the exact same board just for me to splice one move in that single touch instead of two. That is such a minimal time save and when I'm this far ahead, there's no need, nor would I ever, do something like that for like .1 of a second when milliseconds aren't even recorded.

New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

Also as of right now, out of the 3 new moderators that were added. I was the only serious touchscreen moderator and I have a mac computer so PC was never an option for me. Aside from ASTRAIOS, who will occasionally run touchscreen himself, I'm the one who verifies all the touchscreen runs because that is what I'm most knowledgable about. ASTRAIOS, having run touchscreen himself is usually the one that will verify my runs because he's the second most knowledgeable touchscreen moderator. That being said, I myself wouldn't mind introducing GUNDWN as a mod (although discussion need to be had with the mod team and this is just my own opinion) as a second touchscreen moderator, allowing ASTRAIOS to focus on mouse runs.

New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

Hey, GUNDWN. I was expecting some accusations sooner or later because tbh, if I was in your shoes I'd be doing the same. Like when you look at a leaderboard and see that big of a gap between first and second some flags are definitely raised. ASTRAIOS has dm'd me on discord and requested that I upload the full recording if i still have it, which I do and uploaded it to google drive and the link can be found here for you to go over yourself. ^This is a 15min vid of my session where I got the 1:25 Touchscreen Easy WR. The exact run where I got this is the final run of this video because obviously I stopped recording straight after the record.

If you add me on discord, I'm more than happy to explain each of my moves and what goes on in my head during runs. Notably, your main point is that I have single tap to move on and I will occasionally through it on. My counterargument is that (I've never used single tap to move myself, like ever, but I know what it is), and as a runner yourself, you understand that after drawing cards, the piles may often becoming confusing and on an iphone X (my device) it may sometimes become difficult to select the right card in the pile. So I simply tap the pile and it will automatically show me where the connected cards in a row ends and then I tap the next number. I do this often because it is difficult to select a specific card in a pile which is why at the start of runs, I seem a lot faster because I like to drag each card one by one onto the top card.

I know for myself that I didn't and don't cheat, and I'm happy so prove this to you. Honestly the gap between myself and second has been becoming absurd and I would like some competition so if this thread indicates ur return, than I'm excited. I just want to let you know that when/if you discover that I haven't cheated, that I don't hold anything against you because I understand where your coming from.

New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

Well personally, I have just submitted a 1:38 run on mobile with single tap to move off and I think whatever the outcome is, it just needs to be made soon because I've never done a run with it on but I'm sure I'd be able to bring my time down a lot. Regardless, with my experience on mobile sometimes it's quicker to drag if done well. After my run gets approved (I hope it does and I should be cause I didn't cheat) my point here is shown particularly at the start of my run where I get super lucky cards at the start and absolutely go ham by dragging. I tend to drag all the time now and can consistently get sub 2 and every 3rd run sub 1:50 and the only time when I click is when I have multiple cards stacked and so I dont select the wrong card.

@Gundwn looking at it now, it seems pretty clear that tap to move is on and after submitting my run, I thought I had easily smashed wr and was a little disappointed to find someone had beaten me or two prior. It only just occurred to me that the run could've been cheated which is why I was on to check it myself

thread: Timberman
New South Wales, Australiazeekeenee3 years ago

I'm not using an older version, Just the one that I downloaded of the current 2021 IOS appstore and I I think the way that works is if your timer bar is filled up or really close to full (because it's consistently going down) you get double points per branch or something) I might go through one of my recordings in slow mo to see exactly how this works.

I'm still not entirely sure how it works but I have a feeling that when u click too fast between one piece of wood and then the tree falling down so you can hit the second piece, if you manage to click in between this animation, it will give u a point for free without starting a second animation. This makes sense to me because my CPS for two fingers is around 12-15 and I got about 7 seconds for the 100 run. This fact would still be fair though because played must still tap 100 times but it makes you wonder if there is an optimal way to click for some levels.

ImMangus likes this
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