
@NotFineO-Saur Yes, all Deathwarps are allowed in the Deathwarp Category

I added a new Variable: Patch, this Variable denotes if the run was made on the most current patch. Every time the Bootcamp changes i will give all old runs the value "Old", while new runs always get the value "Current". The leaderboard can be filtered by old or by new, so old runs dont get deleted, but are hidden by default. This decision was made, since the bootcamp often changes and a direct competition between patches wasnt fair and making a new category every time would clutter this leaderboard in no time.

I did not get a notification for that other post, strange. If you can produce a proper run for this new category and send me the video, then i will implement it as soon as i can get the change in bootcamp resolved.

Making new Categories and moving the old ones to misc. would once again mean a change in standard categories and another "restart" for this leaderboard. It also means that moving forward, everytime the values are changed we would need new categories. I am thinking that replacing "Game Version" info with a simple "old patch " and "Current Patch" or something of the sorts could be an alternative, then one can simply filter out the runs running on an old version.

@Eponumos So just like all Nations back to back ?

As long as the whole screen is captured, the timer is visible and readable then it is ok.

thread: The Site

I am not up-to-date on this thread so forgive me if this is a dublicate report. Sometimes the number of Threads under statistics is -1 instead of 0. Example :

afnannen136 likes this

I just tested it again and you just need to press 'T', not a combo.

I updated the Rules to the Skip category to exclude a Key- Combination that when pressed would just skip to the end of the Game. I also added timing Rules so runners can time their run themself, i think thats way better than me timing the run by rules nobody reallyknows, i also updated times according to these rules. Feel free to check your times and correct me.

Soulcloset likes this

This game needs some rules regarding timing, what collectables need to be picked up and what ending one should choose.

Ok, so after some testing i conclude that the splitter isnt consistent and most of the time its off by 1-3 frames so you can still use it to find out if you just got a PB, but still needs a manual retime after that. I just updated the splitter to also automaticly start, since starting at -3.68 was wayyy off sometimes for me. you will have to adjust your start time accordingly to your load time to use that accurately. It starts when ammo == 10 so you will have to shoot atleast once before you reset the timer and restart the level to not start instantly. If you want i could add it to the officiall list of splitters so you can choose it in livesplit without any download, but since it doesnt time 100% correct i have decided against it so far.

I already found a couple of different values, including shreks health and 2 booleans, but finding a pointer which doesnt break after a game restart, that i only managed with the ammo I just saw your comment, seems like starting the timer at -3.68 isnt that great, so i will look if i can improve the splitter to also handle the starting of the timer.

I made an autosplitter which splits when you have only 1(or 0 you can change that in the settings) shots in the magazine left, works frame perfect for current strats, anyone interested in testing ?

sopha likes this
thread: Critical Ops

Do you have a download link ?

thread: Critical Ops

Can you even Play the Game on PC without something like Bluestacks ? I just now wanted to give it a try but i could only find apk download links

thread: The Site

@JonnyFX well technically the rules state : "Showing that sv_cheats is set to 0 makes it a lot more likely that your run will be accepted." so he is not breaking the rules by not showing that cheats are turned of. Also i only saw 1 single comment stating that he was using cheats, not "every comments".

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
thread: Speedrunning short run with easy OOB Skip Any % is really easy to learn, only run by me so far.

Seydie likes this
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Mirror's Edge 2D
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