Didn't find anything like it, help?
New Game¬ New Game Easy New Game+
Sorry for not being the best I could be.
I need some serious rest, game is not doing me any favours.
Been playing strafeless for uh, a long time, let's say.
Up for a task, if that helps.
Asus P4T (Socket 423) 1Gb of RDRAM @ 400Mhz GeForce4 Ti4200 128Mb Creative Sound Blaster Live! Platinum CT4760
Get past the last spike as soon as possible! The idea is...time your movement so you start moving right after spike falls!
i wasnt sure if i should make a thread bout it...but hey :(
Tl;dr small but handy timesave!
You can "glitch" yourself and boss will not hurt you with his big arse hitbox! I've never seen that before, so it's SUPER ORIGINAL! (c)
Bunny Rockette (both) Gently push to slow down time, and aim for body!
Guppy (metal) 4-5 shots breaks him apart + 2 more shots completely finish the job!
I've never seen such an unsocial uh, person...ever! No offense, dude...but your decision making is...questionable...to say the least! Blocking me on Twitter because I said hi, asked for run approval, sent a nice pic...and you like "fuck you" Ace! ...Wanna explain (unblock me and PM)?
Ihsoy is kinda ¤dead¤ in a way :( Last twitter post is from '16, YT - same...
Name's tuff_lover! I'm pretty amateur speedrunner! Game I'm currently SR is: LOVE! "5/10" precise platformer with many levels and good music! Planning to do more SR in future if this one will work out nicely! Have a nice day #WRforlife