yeah, debug room should stay the way it is, but i believe both versions of night X could benefit from boostless. The other categories i haven't really bothered watching since i know i won't run them any time soon so i can't say anything about them.
title says it all, a category where the vending machine stat boosts aren't allowed. A lot of the runs are just buying those and then steamrolling the rest and it's pretty RNG-reliant because of how much the kinglies sell for
if you wanted to run CC i would suggest making an entirely different leaderboard for it because there are so many changes from FM to CC that they're basically different games not to mention the different engines and the fact there are the other two games in CC because it's a collection i'd totally run CC if this happened not gonna lie
the thing that interests me most about this is that it might turn out to be worth getting 99 godly guitars in debug room and just spamming guitar smash no debug room would get a bit more interesting since it might end up being worth ignoring the kingly guitar entirely due to it only affecting bunny hop, making more strategies overall this seems to buff debug room runs and make any%s more interesting, but 100% just suffers, which is mainly why i voiced concern about it
In the fnafb reddit discord, sable has confirmed plenty of changes. Some of them are simple bug fixes that won't affect the runs much, but others (like guitar smash being buffed and the token costs for learning skills being increased) might cause some strats to become unviable and others to be suddenly better.
here's the changelog:
i have two concerns: firstly, what are we going to do with the runs before this update?
secondly, what does this mean for the 100% category?
I've been interested in doing a run for quite some time, but the discord's last activity was on the 15th of may, mod's been inactive for a month on this site and the most recent run was a year ago. This may sound like an obvious answer but i'll ask anyway; is anybody still around?
update: i made my own never-expiring link come join the gang
oh i had it turned on, guess i forgot to save. turned it on now
i honestly think max should be picked out of all of us since he has actual experience i've modded like three discord servers, two of them ended up dying fast and another one i took a 2 year hiatus from so i don't think i'll be able to do much
if nobody else is interested in it i'll volunteer, but i probably shouldn't be first choice unless im the only one
yeah coca chan moderates 7 games so getting a mod here would also be able to alleviate some (not much but i'd imagine modding 7 games would give you) stress off of them, so IMO it would benefit every party by getting another mod
that's not to say the current one's bad, they're actually pretty good, but i don't think they've checked the community to see what we've been talking about based off the fact we talked about the categories a lot and proposed ideas that are generally considered better by the current community as far as i'm aware, but they haven't even responded.
well i mean naturally this shouldn't be a forced rule and more or less just a fun tradition that anyone is able to break when they so choose, forcing people into wearing a different hat than you is pointless and honestly stupid because who cares, this is an rngfest
IMO we should split no chest% into "any% - chestless" and "any% - shopless" and rename the one we currently have to "any% - boss items only" to better represent the rules through the title and also to make some easier routes so that people don't have to jump from regular any% to getting no items at all until after the first boss. also having the characters split into categories is pretty bad imo and it'd be better to split them into different routes since that's where the gameplay varies the most; with the current speedrun and my own that's pending verification there's no need to move any speedruns around and all that's needed is changing the rules of the routes