thread: Postal 2
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Thought I'd post a quick update regarding the recent rule change:

As of the 6th of April 2020:

QSQL is allowed in all Classic Mode categories but is banned in Enhanced and SMSS% The church cutscene skip is also banned in SMSS%

Additionally, all Classic Mode submissions must state whether they use QSQL or not.

These rules were put in place by Corkysek, so thank you very much Corky for making that happen.

We wanted to limit the use of QSQL because if it gets used in all categories, people will be put off the game.

Banning it in all categories, put the runs that already use it in an awkward position and it technically isn't cheating but as it has the potential to ruin this game, it's better to just ban its use in the categories it hasn't been used in.

thread: Postal 2
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Recently, myself, Jamarley and Enemy were in discussion about the possibility of banning the use of QS/QL from the SMSS% and Enhanced categories.

The reason being is quite simply, QS/QL is cancer and it has the potential to completely ruin this as a speedgame.

Currently, it has only been utilized in Any% Classic Mode and in 1 Impossible Any% run but based on the existing rules, there is nothing to say it can’t be used elsewhere.

I think that we should allow the use of the glitch in Any% Classic + Pacifist + Impossible but ban the use of it in Enhanced + Pacifist, SMSS% as well as any other misc category.

Enhanced in particular is very movement focused and relies on good shovel jumping to save time. Learning good shovel jumping is a skill in and of itself and the Intercoms WR of 20:51, is an incredible benchmark that anyone playing the category should strive to beat. Now imagine if someone came out of nowhere and swiped an easy WR just by using this glitch, even though the rest of the run was garbage, in my opinion, that person didn’t deserve the record.

SMSS% is similar in the sense that it uses equally fast and precise movement, and that should be the main focus, not spamming a button a bunch of times. I feel like we should allow the use of it in Any% Classic as it has already been used a few times and the run in general is a lot slower and relies more on skips, but ban it elsewhere to keep interest in the game and also to make sure there is an area free of this abomination.

It’s no secret that QS/QL has affected overall activity in Any% and if it is allowed in all other categories, then it may kill activity on this game completely, since no one wants to execute a frame perfect trick 8 times, execute everything else well and pray for good RNG everywhere else.

There should be at least some part of the game that does not involve this glitch otherwise people will grow bored of it, very quickly.

Lastly, it poses an interesting scenario regarding cheaters. Someone could use a macro key to input the quicksave button a bunch of times and get QS/QL 100% of the time and the worst part is, we would have no way to detect this, I mean sure you could suspect someone is using one of they get 8/8 QS/QL but you would have no proof to back it up and thus, the run would be able to stand. Hell, some people in the discord have already mentioned using Macros for testing purposes, its only a matter of time before someone uses one for real and we won’t be able to do anything about it.

To summarise, we should limit the use of QS/QL to the following categories only:

Any% Classic Any% Classic Pacifist Impossible Any% Classic Impossible Any% Pacifist Classic

As movement in these categories is quite slow and they are more about skips and in impossible, you aren’t exactly gonna restart a run because you didn’t get QS/QL, plus it has already been used in an impossible run.

But ban the use of it in every enhanced category and every misc category in order to preserve interest in the game.

I know this was super long but I feel like this is something we need to address sooner rather than later, let me know what you think.

Jamarley likes this
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Can someone explain how killing the bosses in PTTR is beating the game any%? It isn't. You aren't reaching the end, all youre doing is killing some tougher enemies, an example of any% would be if you somehow found a way to warp to the results screen, this is not speedrunning the game im sorry, beating the levels is.

thread: Granny
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

he has discord

Otterstone_Gamer likes this
thread: Granny
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Try IM'ing the moderator

Otterstone_Gamer likes this
Scotlandollymuirs_4 years ago

Hey guys, first post in a while, I know.

Thought I'd make a full strategy guide for the Any% P+Gless category, you can watch it with the link below:

Hopefully it helps :)


HelpedPancake38 and dha like this
Scotlandollymuirs_5 years ago

Hardest game ever lol

dha likes this
Scotlandollymuirs_5 years ago

As some of you may know, on this day, in 2009, This is the only level was released.

I mentioned on the discord server a few months ago that I wanted to do something to celebrate this, such as stream speedrun attempts, but instead I'm thinking about just playing the game and seeing what times I can get.

Let me know if you want to do something similar too :)

dha likes this
Scotlandollymuirs_5 years ago

11 days left to claim this guys.

Scotlandollymuirs_6 years ago

You press tab to cycle the options. Like Menu, Panic, Pause etc. Press tab until you get to pause once there leave it there and when you press space bar it will pause the game.

Scotlandollymuirs_6 years ago

A run without audio may be suspicious as they might think it's been spliced. Worth a try though.

Scotlandollymuirs_6 years ago

Thanks man. I wish I'd mentioned your video now, got a lot views. Do you think you'll ever come back to the category?

Scotlandollymuirs_6 years ago

What was the fastest possible time for Any% on the iQue using the Kakariko bottle method? I know there's the famous 18:10 and also Jodenstone got some faster times but does anyone know what the fastest one was?

Scotlandollymuirs_6 years ago

Cause I'm giving £10 regardless.

Scotlandollymuirs_6 years ago

So we call it £20?

Scotlandollymuirs_6 years ago

I've set a bounty of £10 on the next world record. The first person who beats the current tied world record on P+Gless will claim the bounty. I hope this encourages more people to play the game and also let us see some faster times. Good luck.

Please not this bounty must be claimed before 2018 is out.

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This Is The Only Level Pico-8 Edition