Indonesiamxnz3 years ago

Hey. First things first, i'm glad that there's a dedicated speedrun page of this game as i heavily enjoy the game casually. Secondly, as much as i want to speedrun the main category, i'm currently didn't have that much free time (maybe i might do a run next week who knows) & it's pretty clear that this game will have a longer run duration due to it's "narrative driven" approach till we found some skip that bypass that (i wish..).

Until then, here's a couple of question that i want to ask before doing a run (while also avoiding future mishaps):

  1. While the rules does state about the timing and such, what about the "settings" policies of this game? there's an option where you can make the in-game conversation faster and by ticking that, a few seconds (maybe minutes even) due to faster textboxes.
  2. What's the policies around autosaving? Technically the game will autosave on it's own & we can "abuse" that for later purposes (like collecting Pixball for 100% who knows)
  3. This ones more of a "ask" than a question, but can we have an Earth Born categories as well (as more of an alternative categories for the game)? :3 i already have a few categories suggestion regarding that game but then again, it's your decision to accept that.

Other than that, feel free to answer this question, and I'll definitely will look into it (and the speedrun of it as well of course :3).

Indonesiamxnz3 years ago

just wanna confirm a few things since it didn't pop up on the rules board.

Since Daily & Weekend Challenges could be count as a "level select" and it also represent certain city / ILs (with added challenges of course), it's a "no" to submit those onto leaderboard, right? (knowing that it'll defeat the purpose of fair runs due to added mode into the run)

Indonesiamxnz3 years ago

As been point out by srd_27 on suggestion thread, the game itself were solidify by 2 version that we refer to as "New Game" (/ NG) and "New Game+" (/ NG+).

This comes to a problem where a runner can easily do NG+ strats even though runner were actually doing NG runs on-screen, benefitting the whole run in retrospect. The NG+ strats involved (as mentioned on related thread):

  • Skipping Arcade Session (Coin Crate Smash n' Stash) on "Basement Startup" by having bronze medal in previous runs and skipping the whole session by killing yourself
  • Switching Characters before unlocking the character properly (Scooter before "Kicks for Kicks" & Al before "Raw Deal")

As of 10/07/21, all future submission (Main Leaderboards) MUST NOT INVOLVE NG+ strats on their runs. In order to prevent this, there's 2 options that runners can do in order to prevent this situation:

  1. Play the game on NG+ without doing NG+ strats. As for now, we allow all runners to do this setup as there's minimal needs to force runners into doing the second option.
  2. Delete game files that's affecting the progress of the game, resulting NG+ after first initial start (picture related). After deleting related files, the game itself will made a new one that's completely accounts as a "New Game". Keep in mind that deleting certain files (rcr.cfg) will made all game settings back to default, forcing runners to fix their setting (if there's any).

On related note, Any% (and Misc. runs) we're allowed to do Option #1 or Option #2. As for 100% runs, runners must comply to do Option #2 due to in-game percentage.

As for now, while we leaning towards "no file delete" arguments, we'll always continue to investigate the beneficiary of NG+ and forcing future runners to not doing such a strats for fairness of it.

Indonesiamxnz3 years ago

1.4.0 has released (8th July 2021)! All changes will be added in a next couple of days

Regarding the new update (Cat Mod / Plushies, Elite Enemies & Surplus Mode) that'll be added to the game, The leaderboards itself will have some changes after the official release of the patch. This will include, but not limited to:

  • Adding Cat Mod option to the Leaderboard (runner must specify what Cat Mod that they're using on it's description)
  • Adding "Hardcore" category to both ILs and Main Leaderboard which specifies as follows: a. Runners must only use Peashooter as their main weapon (both ILs and Main ; excluding Gun Permanent Upgrades [you can get these from Alien Ant] for ILs) and nothing else b. Runners must use all Cat Mods (all 5 of them) that are available on their base (both ILs and Main) c. Runners forbids the usage of Permanent Upgrades (including Plushies ; excluding Achievement Perk) (Main only) d. Runners were allowed to buy in-game upgrades (including Marriage perk) that's available at store / spouses during year runs (both ILs and Main)

Additional note: a. After the release of 1.4.0 (Feline Good Update), all Main Leaderboard submission MUST NOT INCLUDE Time Capsule on their first initial runs (excluding New Year category) due to an unfair result (ex. getting Duck Wings from Time Capsule for All Tree Monsters runs). You can resolve this by choosing "Abandon Run" option on Menu.

b. All new runs (after the official 1.4.0 release) must be played on 1.4.0+ version branch.

-***- Here's the information regarding the new update:

Update #1 (release information):

Indonesiamxnz3 years ago

What's moderator perspective around 1.1 update? the update itself currently on beta & there's some major changes (ex. 4x game speed & trait feature) throughout the game. are 1.1 will have it's own category or getting the same treatment as other version?

(also, speedrun mode added to the version! good to know that devs finally recognize the speedrun aspect of the game :) )

Mazesfate likes this
Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

During True Ending runs (during Day 4), after rescuing Karakoro, you need to warp into Otherworld to get the 4th music box piece. For some reason, when i tried to warp into, it's either taking me to it or just putting me back to the second area. It's so inconsistent and costs me a lot of time.

Is there any consistent cue / strats to it? Or is it purely random? Would love to know the answer, cuz it keeps killing my run lol.

Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

I thought it'll be really good to make a thread that focused on the strats & bugs that exists in the game.

p.s: yes, mainly you want to put the a list of strats at the "Guide" section, but it's best to make a thread as a whole so that the community can easily contribute.

Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

I have a few question regarding the moderation and speedrun of the game (i'm asking this due to my future run submission).

  1. What happen to the previous page owner (heatherrr)? The page were exist yesterday, and there's already a moderator change. Not only that, the current moderator isn't a supermod resulting a conflicting buzz around the page.

  2. Can you add general rules to the run submission? I know some people can read it through the forum, but it's best to put on Rules tab.

That's probably it for now. Sorry if i said something wrong and such. I really want to speedrun this game, and some aspect on the page really bugs me off lol.

Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

Hello! I'm interested to speedrun this game (last time i saw this game, it was in GMTK Game Jam! :) ). Regarding the versioning (the PC ones), do we speedrun the release version or the jam version? or.. is it fine to run either version?

Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

(for mods: feel free to remove / move the thread if necesary)

Few minutes ago, i just checking out the Added Games section, and i saw the heck ton of Pro Evolution Soccer page. I'm just curious though, like.. what "speedrun" aspect does a "football" (/ soccer) game has? Is it had something to do with the Career Mode or something?

Bob-chicken likes this
Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

Regarding the new update (Difficulty Options) that'll be added to the game, The recent Full Game leaderboard (Any%, 100%) and few Misc. categories (All Shakedowns, All Cable Chargers) will be deleted and put on lockdown until the new update has been launch (date: 20th October).

Not only that, all new runs must be played on 1.1.0+ version branch (either 1.1.0 or higher than previous version). This is mandatory due to fairness of the runs. ("New Version" rules doesn't apply to Score & Weapon Challenges as there's no differences in either old / new version).

Here's the information regarding the new difficulty feature (including new shakedown minigames & menu changes) that added to the next update:

Update 1: added more information & link to official announcement Update 2: New version added, applying specific rules

Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

Hello! I'm having an interest to speedrun this game. However, when i'm doing some testing around Kiss%, the category itself really defines poorly & it feels like an Any% (with the skips of course..)+ Boat Puzzle. In my opinion, this should be define clearly.

The result of category confusion were both runners (on Kiss%) literally just doing task normally (to get the wood permit) and then doing the Boat Puzzle to get the Kiss, while the new skips doesn't need you to do so.

As for my suggestion, there should be a category called Any% (No Skips) or.. you can redefine the category around Kiss% to ban Permit Skips. That's just my 2 cents for now, i'm sorry if i said something wrong or anything around it.

Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

Firstly, Welcome to Shakedown: Hawaii community forums!

At the moment, this thread will be light & simple due to early times. I'll be updating this thread constantly (if there's anything to be added).

##(SPEEDRUN) RULES • Runner must start and finish the game in one take (Real Time Attack). • [16/10/20 update: Due to new changes, for all categories (except Score & Weapon Challenges), you MUST use the newer version] • You are allowed to use any language that's available in the game. • You are allowed to use Save only if it's been made during the run.

##TIMING THE RUN (FULL GAME) • Recording of the game must starts before clicking the "New Game" option, and stops after the credit rolls (reason: verifying the run). • Time starts after clicking "New Game" on the option panel (specific for Full Game section) • Time ends as soon as the credit rolls. (specific for Any% & 100% section)

##TIMING THE RUN (INDIVIDUAL LEVELS) There's a 2 option that you can do in order to time IL runs: a. Using "Replay Mission" feature • Time starts after clicking any levels on the option panel, followed by the save icon (corner of the screen) • Time ends as soon as the black screen appears, followed by the save icon

b. During Story Mode • Time starts as soon as the player enters the mission marker, followed by a cutscene • Time ends as soon as the "Mission Complete" text shows on screen.

P.S: more info (/ rules?) will be added, so stay tuned...

Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

This thread will be exclusive for any type of suggestion regarding the speedrun / category of the game.

Feel free to put any suggestion below! :)

Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

This thread will be exclusive for any type of suggestion regarding the speedrun / category of the game.

Feel free to put any suggestion below! :)

Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

(Update 2/11) Firstly, Welcome to Grimm's Hollow community forums!

At the moment, this thread will be light & simple due to early times. I'll be updating this thread constantly (if there's anything to be added).

##(SPEEDRUN) RULES • Runner must start and finish the game in one take (Real Time Attack). • Game must be run in Version 1.1 (reason: difficulty modes added in this version) • You are allowed to use any language that's available in the game (including the fanmade ones that's been approved by the devs). • You are allowed to use Save only if it's been made during the run (not applicable for Reaper's Special Cove category). • You are allowed to use "retry" button (can be found after finishing an Ending) during the run. • Failing the boss fight, and then restarting the boss fight by closing the game does invalidate the run.

##TIMING THE RUN • Recording of the game must starts before choosing the difficulty option, and stops after the ending message / credit rolls (reason: verifying the run). • Time starts after clicking "Yeah" to confirm the difficulty option ( ) • (Specific for "Any%") Time ends at the first frame of ending black screen, follows up by the ending text message ( )^. • (Specific for "True Ending") Time ends at the first frame of ending white screen (when Lavender & Timmy enters the gate), follows up by the ending text message ( ). • (Specific for "Reaper's Special Cove") Time ends after the runner confirms the action of reading the reaper's message.

P.S: more info (/ rules?) will be added, so stay tuned...

Notes: ^ = videos during the run, with a really bad splits timing. Retimed for setting up the end.

IvanderLatidjan likes this
Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

As title said.

The reason is to differentiate the leaderboard itself, and also make things more competitive in such a way.

In normal High Score category, i'm assuming that it's a standard "No Revival" since the category itself doesn't specify the rules about it.

Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

First things first, sorry if my english were horrible, as it isn't my main language.

I'm suggesting a new Misc. category as follows: a. Category Name: Blue (based on character's name) b. Category Ruleset: same as default game mode, with a twist of cannon and ground / flying enemy add-on c. Joining The Category: you can find this character on "Featured" tab, just choose the character (it's free btw) and you ready to enter the category! :) d. Category Extension: We can expand the category into an extra category such as Cannon% (either 10 Cannon or High Score based on how many you enter the Cannon) and Enemy% (either Kill 10 Enemies or High Score based on how many you kill the enemies).

If mods were interested, feel free to review my request or ask any question regards the request.

P.S: Video example coming soon, as i'm trying to record (and render) the vids.

KilleDragon and eatnop like this
Indonesiamxnz4 years ago

Well hello there! I just want to confirm the subset of rules on every category of the run.

The rule doesn't specify quite a lot of things. Firstly, the use of Gun and Character on the game (at this point, i assume that every runner must use the Base Set [Default Gun, Cat] to validate the run). So.. if i use different gun / character during the run (that benefits the gameplay), does that mean that my run is invalid? or not?

Secondly, the intense of the game (you can find this option on settings). The default one was the "three skulls" logo indicating hard mode (i guess(?)). If i change the intensity, does my run count as invalid due to default changing?

Sorry if this was a silly question. Just wanna make sure that the rules were clear and understandable.

About mxnz
"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" -
5 years ago
3 months ago
Games run
Grimm's Hollow
Grimm's Hollow
Last run 3 years ago
Crossy Road
Crossy Road
Last run 4 years ago
Last run 4 months ago
Best Rally
Best Rally
Last run 4 years ago
Mini Motorways
Mini Motorways
Last run 3 years ago
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Shooty Skies
Shooty Skies
Last run 4 years ago
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Grand Theft Auto Category Extensions
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Last visit 4 months ago
Last visit 4 months ago
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Last visit 4 months ago
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto III
Last visit 3 months ago
Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town
Far Cry 2
Far Cry 2
Last visit 2 years ago
Games moderated
Grimm's Hollow
Grimm's Hollow
Last action 3 years ago
Shakedown: Hawaii
Shakedown: Hawaii
Last action 3 years ago
Last action 4 months ago
Last action 2 years ago