Ohio, USAmudkipfish751 year ago

Yes, there is! Made by @TheCodingBoy

However, you don't have to do it yourself since a moderator will do it anyway.

Also, keep in mind since you're a potatocam runner, the loads are naturally inaccurate compared to runs with capture cards. That's just how it is and there's not a lot we can do about it. As long as you recorded the run beginning to end, you should be fine. Upload the run to youtube and submit it.

Sibby18, Cads, and SnowyVulpixes like this
Ohio, USAmudkipfish752 years ago

thank you for beating my run lol

Ohio, USAmudkipfish752 years ago


Cads likes this
Ohio, USAmudkipfish752 years ago

no, that's not Ninja Painter Coolmath edition. that I believe is Ninja Painter 1

Ohio, USAmudkipfish752 years ago

I'll send one as well

Ohio, USAmudkipfish752 years ago

mine is linked with my profile and so is Link's

AstroPug likes this
Ohio, USAmudkipfish752 years ago

Reach out to one via discord. Not speaking from experince here, but generally, new mods aren't added unless you've got some decent times and are an established runner in the game.

Ohio, USAmudkipfish752 years ago

this low% no world 5 run by turtz exists if you want something to go off of

nobody really runs this because the overworld ice bros in W3 can cost you a lot of time, wheras in any% no world 5 (and regular cannonless), you are allowed to use overworld items to get rid of them with no trouble. but by all means if you want to run the category go for it

Ohio, USAmudkipfish752 years ago

what DCA says here is a good point; there's really no point in adding it unless there is a lot of interest.

If you really want to run it and nobody else wants to run it, the mods aren't going to add a board to it. You can always do a run without a leaderboard OR create an unofficial spreadsheet with a list of multplayer runs of other categories.

Ohio, USAmudkipfish753 years ago

GG @EnderTemmie

If you want to run this category again in the future possibly, I'd suggest watching some 100% speedruns so you can get a general idea for strats in the levels. You dont have to replicate the strats if they're hard (5-4 skip with star coins for example), but maybe just watch and implement what you feel comfortable with (with practice, of course)

Also, if you lose the propeller suit frequently, I'd consider visiting at least 1 mushroom house during the run. There are guides that show all the possible patterns, and there are some spots that are never a Bowser/Bowser Jr. Space, and you can determine what pattern you got by looking at those spaces.

Sorry this got long, but hopefully this helps.

Its_Ender likes this
Ohio, USAmudkipfish753 years ago

Even if getting VC on an American WiiU was legal, physical is better because VC loads are stupid fast and most players play on physical anyway.

Cads likes this
Ohio, USAmudkipfish753 years ago

I believe Lachurs has tried to create one in the past but it broke at 5-Ghost House because of how dark the level is

Ohio, USAmudkipfish753 years ago

This has been said many times before, but 50 star and 70 star door skips without BLJs are basically impossible for humans to pull off. 2-3 First frame wallkicks arent hard, but to preform enough to actually clip through simply isnt attainable by humans @ChaosintheDarkness

Thus, I'd strongly advise against attempting 3DAS 16 star. If you want to run 16 star, run it on N64/Wii VC/Emu, not on Switch

Ohio, USAmudkipfish753 years ago

I have two questions to ask:

  1. Should i make guides for the (currently) 3 existing 9-X any% categories? And if so, should i make a seperate guide for each category (ex: 1 "9-1 any%" guide, "9-2 any%", etc.) or make 1 guide that includes all of the subcategories?

  2. (this is a question for the mods specifically) 9-6 Any% sounds cool, and I'd be interested in running it if the subcategory existed. Are all the possible subcategories going to be created and left empty until someone runs them or will they be created upon request?

KilleDragon likes this
Ohio, USAmudkipfish753 years ago

because yoshi is banned as well and yoshi is not a powerup so the term "no powerups" would be inaccurate

KilleDragon likes this
Ohio, USAmudkipfish753 years ago

tbh we should update all the main category guides with backup powerups to make them more accessible to players who aren't nearly as familiar with the game

KilleDragon likes this
About mudkipfish75
"For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, yet lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36
4 years ago
1 day ago
Games run
Ninja Painter Coolmath Edition
Ninja Painter Coolmath Edition
Last run 2 years ago
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Last run 1 year ago
Mario Party 9
Mario Party 9
Last run 3 years ago
Greedy Mimic
Greedy Mimic
Last run 1 year ago
Games moderated
Ninja Painter Coolmath Edition
Ninja Painter Coolmath Edition
Last action 1 year ago