Kentucky, USAlord_pantyhose7 years ago

Here's a guide by Plush that has a decent amount of detail in it. Here's a guide by Ninnyz that has some easy strats as well as a controller cam for reference.

Kentucky, USAlord_pantyhose7 years ago

First off, if you're gonna be running the PS4 version, you'll wanna submit your times here: That's where the official PS4 runs need to be, as it is different enough to warrant its own leader board.

Second, for a timer, you'll need to download a program such as:

  • WSplit -LiveSplit -Llanfair so on and so forth. There's a few out there. I personally use LiveSplit. Pretty easy to set up. Next, you'll want to be able to capture your PS4 through a capture card, like an Elgato HD60S, which needs a computer. You can use the default software they give you, or something like OBS or StreamlabsOBS(Its a different program despite the similar name) to capture the footage, whether it be on stream or through a recording, both options are there. Make sure you at least capture the game footage using the capture card, and the timer, so that they are both there for helping verify the authenticity of the run, as well as giving us a time.

As for startegies for speedrunning, there are still a few out there in development to my knowledge, but I'm sure one of the most experienced PS4 runners could help with that. I have yet to mess with the PS4 version as I have an injured thumb that makes it a bit difficult to speedrun.

Kentucky, USAlord_pantyhose7 years ago

I believe this conversation was made before, but there wasn't enough interest, or.. something. I double checked to make sure, and this suggestion was made in the past on another thread in this forum. There was also a survey done a while back regarding all this that wasn't kept secret. I remember people saying they weren't against the idea of an Intended Strats category, but weren't interested in running it themselves. I could be wrong, but this is what I remember.

coolestto and gooperman like this
Kentucky, USAlord_pantyhose7 years ago

But... there isn't really any glitches or bugs in the runs to my knowledge. This topic can spark a lot of debate that doesn't really need to happen.

Kentucky, USAlord_pantyhose7 years ago

Exactly. Give it some time, and once the dust settles, things will get decided for the PS4 version of the game, seeing as it is a remake and not just a remaster(there's a difference).

FONR and gooperman like this
Kentucky, USAlord_pantyhose7 years ago

I mean... realistically, there aren't many glitches in the game that are used, to my knowledge. There's the cutscene skip for Valus in Any%(which you have to go pretty fast to achieve when arriving at Valus.), Celosia's Cutscene skip. Hydrus's AI manipulation could be considered one. Most of it is abusing the physics of the game for launches/placement and execution. I suppose if you were really strict, the launches could be considered a glitch(this of course being my opinion. I don't feel think the launches are really a glitch.). So, there really wouldn't be too much of a difference, depending on the strictness. So if you wanted to define the "No Glitches" category, you may want to clarify it a bit in the rule set. That's the other thing, you just listed options, but no rule sets. I think there are reasons the emulator isn't allowed? But I'm uncertain as to the exact reason, aside from it being illegal if you don't own a legitimate copy of the game and rip the ROM yourself, but I digress. However, I am not a mod, just a runner. Just thought I'd share my thoughts with you, Valus(and anyone who may read this). Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this.

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About lord_pantyhose
7 years ago
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Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
Last run 7 years ago
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Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
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Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus (2018)
Last visit 7 years ago