Croatialightwo3 months ago

It just occurred to me, since FlippyDrive acts like the disk drive to function, presumably operating at the same speed, would it be allowed for runs?

I realise it's in a weird area of being a modification that a runner would need to purchase an additional item for, but it would eliminate the fear of disk damage and having to acquire another, in an ever-inflating retro game market. It would also eliminate the issue of some disk drives being less reliable than others, given it's modern hardware.

Now that I think about it, this hardly changes anything compared to Nintendont with "unlock read speed" disabled, and it essentially replaces hardware with completely different hardware, but I would like to install that mod in the future, and this would give me another reason to invest.

Croatialightwo3 months ago

I noticed the response far too late and already decided to go the route of tinkering with a GCN and getting a copy of SMS NTSC-J 1.0, oops :p

But thanks for the response, I'm sure it will be helpful for anyone coming across this thread. I can't complain either way, as a big part of why I made the decision was to tinker with a purple lunchbox and upgrade a stock controller for fun.

As an aside, other than being trivial to use homebrew on and being cheaper, is there any actual advantage of using a Wii over a GCN? The only detail I could find is that DOL-001 has a less reliable disc drive.

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Croatialightwo3 months ago

I am considering practicing ILs and potentially full game runs in the future, which means I'd like to submit them if I get any good runs.

I recently acquired a Wii U as GameCube is tough to come by, and is an overall more interesting system to use than the Wii given that I don't care much about motion controlled games.

I noticed that in some threads here, it is mentioned that Nintendont is banned (it is the only way of playing GameCube on a Wii U...), but the rules only seem to forbid it for runs faster than a threshold time. No mercy for ILs though.

While I could also acquire a Wii or GameCube alongside the game disc to qualify, do I need to use any specific controller? I am considering getting a third-party GameCube controller, is it fine if it has turbo if I don't use it?

About lightwo
3 months ago
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