Yeah, that's probably fine
Need more detail. Is the game modified at all? What does a "burned disk" mean? If you're just loading the game digitally rather than through disk loading then it's okay
Naw, its a known thing. There's an even better version of this trick that leads to a ~20 second fight, but it might be PS2 version exclusive. As far as I know, these happenings are purely luck. Here are some youtube links: TSC Egg Beetle Ranking: 20 second fight:
During runs you just spam start where cutscenes would be to skip them. In order for this to be possible, you have to have previously "watched the cutscenes," which in this case means skipping through the movie collectibles with the movie input guide.
The inputs are done on the movie collectibles screen. There's three cutscenes that aren't on those collectibles and a run needs to be done in order to skip them after. If you power off your console or exit the game, all cutscene skips reset. If you're doing Any%, GL! :D
@undeRated This is not related to audio filtering or anything of the sorts. The issue is that the GVUSB is outputting static/pinging noises rather than distorted game audio. As of now, I still have not found anything that solves this issue and have gotten a second GVUSB since then. If anyone ever finds a fix to this, please post!
PS2 and Wii have the same gameplay (from what I've heard so far), so until that is proven otherwise, probably not.
Howdy gamers! I've been using a GV-USB2 capture card for Wii composite and s-video capture for a couple months now and haven't had any issues with it until recently.
The problem involves the capture card outputting a loud static and intermittent beeping noise consistently. This static persists whether or not video is being captured and even if composite cables are plugged into it or not. So far, I've tried reinstalling the drivers, forgetting the device on device manager, and changing usb ports. However, the only thing that seems to "fix" the issue is when I completely unplug the capture card from my computer and composite cables for a long amount of time and plug it in later. This "fix" only works randomly and isn't reliable.
Are there any tech geniuses or aficionados that can figure out the cause or solve this issue? I've scoured the internet for answers but can't find any similar scenarios or solves. It would be greatly appreciated!!!
I haven't played PS2 myself, but its my understanding that Wii and PS2 are virtually the same game with graphics discrepancies so probably not.
yeah eventually but we need runs of it first; rules would be similar to ads
I'm not certain, but I think that you can import other people's splits from livesplit... If not you can go onto one of the submitted speedruns and download it's