United Statesjaredb7 years ago

I pretty much have the same conclusions about speed as you. Speed is gained by holding forward and holding b of ramps etc... So I'm wondering if it really is all about the bounce. I wonder if you can obtain "fast speed" and then lose speed on the bounce while still maintaining the engine sounds associated with "fast speed." Same thing vice versa. I will look into the bounce as well. See if maybe there is even a way to land with no bounce or try to route it so you always land on the back of a hill. It might work on a few tracks.

United Statesjaredb7 years ago

OK, that makes sense, but I believe there is definitely something about max speed or acceleration we don't know. (I may make a video of this to better explain), but in track 1, you always go off 2 of the 3 acceleration ramps, and there are times where I will obtain "fast speed" after going only off the first ramp, and make it just past the big hill after the second ramp, but there are also times that I don't gain "fast speed" until after the second ramp, but I go way past the big hill. Following logic that we know, if we have "fast speed" and go off a ramp, we should land further, with more speed, than if we don't have "fast speed" and go off that same ramp in the same way. And there aren't any bounces in between the landing off the first ramp and the landing after the hill, so I shouldn't lose speed between those two points. This may be a coincidence or just some weird thing, but I really want to investigate. I just wanted to put the information out so people can just watch for it and see if they find anything.

But I'll also look into the "perfect start" thing. It won't be much time save, but it is a timesave. And that is what speedrunnign is all about ;) Thanks for the help andrew.

United Statesjaredb7 years ago

Hey guys, I think I may have found a way to save time on our runs. After much testing, I found that as you press start to play a track, a random thing is assigned to you that determines either your max speed or acceleration. I ran track one several time, only pressing b, and got times that varied as much as 9 seconds. Now, If I saved and loaded right after I press start, I can get the same track time every attempt while Only pressing b. This makes me think that there is RNG assigned when you press start to select a level. If we can find a way to control this, we could potentially save seconds on WR runs as well as make our times more consistent in general.

Here is a link to the video of my testing:

Let me know if you find ANYTHING. Thanks.

United Statesjaredb7 years ago

Would anyone be interested in starting an all tracks category? The runner would do 1, 1A, 2, 2A, 3, 3A, etc... all in one segment. The final time would be all the track times added up. I think it would be cool, and the resulting run would probably be around 10 minutes. I would only want to do it if a few others did too. Thoughts?

About jaredb
7 years ago
5 months ago
Games run
Excitebike (NES)
Excitebike (NES)
Last run 7 years ago