South Carolina, USAglasnonck3 years ago

I also have copied my saves a couple of times and didn't encounter an issue. That isn't to say it's entirely safe to do, since the game doesn't seem to want you to do this normally.

The Duke Skip is pretty different than manipulating a save file as it is performed in game. Now if there's a way to manipulate the save in-game prior to starting a NG+ run, then that makes it much easier to accept save manipulation. I'd say that if any benefits are found from external save manipulation that can't be achieved in game, a ruling would have to me made with the input from the runners. Since it's different enough from normal play and might involve the use of external tools, it wouldn't necessarily be accepted if save manipulation was found.

And as an aside, what glitch are you referring to as Timer Stalling?

LiquidBlight and Flyoutfate like this
South Carolina, USAglasnonck3 years ago

Wow, the Jewel of Vicissitude seems pretty nice. I didn't use it when I played casually, so I didn't use it in my runs. I don't know why I didn't come across it when planning out the route.

Good work with the information about the dragon door. If the gorechimera manipulation works consistently, that's a big improvement. I wish you both luck in finding some good optimizations! Sorry I don't have the time to help.

Flyoutfate likes this
South Carolina, USAglasnonck3 years ago

As a general rule, no mods are be allowed since even visual mods can have unforseen effects on gameplay and may not be accessible to all runners. Any official release of the game unmodded is okay. Sorry if that makes it a bit more difficult for your fiance. If you have a list of the mods, we could discuss it more specifically.

Flyoutfate likes this
South Carolina, USAglasnonck3 years ago

Something like that would be really cool. Maybe a Monster Hunter style category where you fight all of the unique giant monsters? I think it would be interesting to require you to not use the maker's finger to kill any of them. I guess that just falls to blast arrows then, but it would be a little more interesting than one shot kills.

Flyoutfate likes this
South Carolina, USAglasnonck3 years ago

Hey everyone. Sorry I've been so inactive. Like Flyoutfate said, I'm going to try and get through the backlog of runs to verify soon. Another moderator would be great, so I'll contact some of the active runners to gauge their interest.

Flyoutfate likes this
South Carolina, USAglasnonck3 years ago

Not that I'm aware of, but I didn't search through too many options. I gave up and just practiced enough to get used to it. I'd be interested to find a way, since that's one of my only complaints with the game on PC. I hope you stay interested in running the game despite the weird controls!

Mimimax likes this
South Carolina, USAglasnonck4 years ago

With the growing interest in Pazaak ILs in KotOR 1, I thought I'd create a thread about Pazaak in KotOR 2 to collect what information we know, as I haven't been able to find a guide online. Below are the various players in the game, as well as any additional information I know about them.

Players Ebon Hawk Atton Rand

Telos Mebla Dule - Cantina Win 3 games wagering 40 credits to win the Double Card. She will stop playing you once you win her card, although there may be a bug in the dialog that allows you to continue playing.

Doton Het - Cantina Win 1 game for the High Stakes quest to win Ramana's freedom.

Onderon Nikko - Cantina Win 3 times to receive some cards: +5, +/-1, +/-3.

Nar Shaddaa S4-C8 - Pazaak Den Win 3 times.

Dahnis - Pazaak Den Win 3 times.

Geredi - Pazaak Den Win 3 times.

The Champ - Pazaak Den Win 3 times to receive the Tiebreaker Card.

Dantooine Ithorian Win 3000 credits from him, then he'll wager armor components on his next game.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck4 years ago

I've also gotten the DLZ on the Endar Spire. I ran it over and over just trying to get it to happen following a description of the glitch I found here:

I only got it to work once in all my time of trying. Maybe examining this instance could give us some insight into how the glitch works. I think this is a good one to try first since we can easily reset the game to a known state.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

I'll probably relearn the route since the guide is a little out of date. When I do, I'll probably try for a better time. However, right now I'm more interested in learning new games to run.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

First off, if this is a bug/glitch based on the game version, we may want to list it as a separate category. A former runner (dr applesponge) played on this version of the game. I wasn't able to get the correct version on my PC, and I even have my old CD copy.

This is an interesting idea, though. Thanks for bringing up this bug again. I haven't looked at the route in a while, so I'm probably forgetting some important things about the build we use.

Losing the +3 attack from dueling as well as the critical hits is the main downside. An increase in defense doesn't seem important to me at all. We have plenty of healing with medpacs and they don't take long to use in a pinch. Maybe I could be convinced of its importance elsewhere in the run, but not against malak.

Other crystal options include Damind (from the dark jedi on tatooine) and Sapith (from the lower floor of the Lehon temple). We could get Damind earlier for a solid +3 attack, to replace the missing bonus from Dueling. Sapith covers most of the lost attack at +2 but also gets us 3 energy damage.

So this link ( shows Malak's defense as 38. It's easy enough to check the feedback for the exact number. Remember that he has both master crit strike and flurry, which lower his defense by -5 and -1 for three seconds after he uses them. I've never seen him use force speed.

One other good point for the flurry route would be less reliance on force speed to do any damage during the few normal combat encounters still in the route. Probably wouldn't affect an optimal run, but it might help with consistency. I remember having several runs where I lose speed and don't have any more force points to cast it again.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

Fix has been implemented and pushed to the server. LiveSplit will automatically download the update. Let me know if it works next time you have time to try.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

I'm working on a fix now. The issue was probably caused by the 2018-12 cumulative update for windows 1803. Whatever they do for the quarterly updates always breaks the load remover for KotOR 2. I'll make sure the one for KotOR 1 is still working too, just to be sure.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

Cool. I always prefer using in-game time rather than real time when feasible. I'll change the rules to use in-game time, and if someone comes along who's crazy enough to try a NG run of it, I'll put in a sub-category that uses real time instead.

Also, loved the run, Liquid. Juggling death was hilarious.

LiquidBlight likes this
South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

For me it's Shearing Wind + Instant Reset. From my experience and testing, Shearing Wind makes you move just a little faster than Mad Dash. That's why I equip the Daggerist's Ring at the start of my runs. However, Mad Dash is very useful to avoid attacking people when you're running around Gran Soren. Almost any time I'm outside of the city, I'm using Shearing Wind.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

Luckily there hasn't been an issue with this yet, so I don't believe it has been stated explicitly before now.

New game any% is timed via in game time, but real time is used for breaking ties.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

Don't worry about it. There are no restrictions on how soon you can submit multiple runs. And there's no issue with you dying during a run.

I usually check to make sure the real time and in game times aren't reversed. I must have missed it for your recent run. It has been fixed, but if it happens in the future you can edit your own run and resubmit it. The edited run will have to be re-verified, but it is a way to fix issues like this.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

Haha, the Evil Eye was the one big time loss in the current record run. I didn't apply all my buffs before entering the room, so the eye didn't prepare the attack to make it open to getting shot immediately.

Nice work learning the run so far - 1:38 is a good start. Keep it up!

I had trouble with having enough blast arrows when I started running any% too, and you're right. More practice will clear up the issues you're having.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

Nice work on your runs, Lyrinae and RoboJoe. I'm looking forward to your future runs. Thankfully, I put more work into the New Game Any% guide so there shouldn't be any missing information for your runs. Just be sure to save your NG+ character file before starting the new game runs. Wouldn't want to lose all that work!

Sorry for the delay in updating the guide, real life has been very busy lately. I've added the augments and skills I used during my runs. Three of them are to increase strength, two are to help survive falling down the everfall, and the last is making sure I can carry everything in one go. I haven't played around too much with different combinations. These just seemed to be the ones that would help the most.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

The route from the tutorial is pretty tight on getting enough LSP to trigger Visas at the right time. If you run into this issue during a run, then you can try talking to Kreia or go to Nar Shaddaa to get some quick LSP from the encounter just past the docks.

I think we were trying to improve this trigger's consistency by saving credits so we could pay off the droid mechanic's debt on Telos instead of threatening him. That might be a good trade off instead of purchasing equipment from the Telos shops.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck5 years ago

Here's the guide I used to get started myself. I made a few changes to the basic setup they suggest here, but it'll give you something to go on.

Level 200 is the highest you can reach, at which point the game just shows an infinity sign ( ∞ ). You don't have to be at 200 to do the run. I'm not sure what your stats need to be before you are able to essentially one-shot everything we encounter during the run. Your class affects the stat boosts you get upon leveling up, so you should stay non-mage for most of the time. I chose to go assassin for most of mine since that gives the highest Attack bonus, with a little bit of Warrior for extra health and defense. It's not required, but you can read about the stat growths here if you really want to get into it.

As Lyrinae said, the augments and skills are a bit more important. I don't remember all of the augments I use in my run. I'll try to post that tonight when I get back to my PC. Two important ones are Resilience and Grace. These together allow you to survive the fall down the Everfall early in the run. However, this could just be replaced by using the skill Skull Splitter to make the leap without taking any damage instead.

And as for the ferrycrystals, I'll try to update the guide with those locations by the end of the week.

I hope you keep at learning the run. Good luck to you both!

About glasnonck
9 years ago
10 months ago
Games run
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Last run 6 years ago
Advent Rising
Advent Rising
Last run 8 years ago
Sanctum 2
Sanctum 2
Last run 9 years ago
Mass Effect
Mass Effect
Last run 9 years ago
Zone of the Enders
Zone of the Enders
Last run 9 years ago
Games moderated
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Last action 6 years ago
Advent Rising
Advent Rising
Last action 8 years ago
Last action 6 years ago
Star Trek Starfleet Command
Star Trek Starfleet Command
Last action 8 years ago