Minnesota, USAdan__h1 year ago

All strength.

That guide is like 7 years old and now obsolete. It's a good starting point if you're just going to sprint through the game; but to maximize the run, check out the top two runs that use Dorn and utilize item duping and some skips

Minnesota, USAdan__h2 years ago

After discussing with you and a couple BGDA1 runners, I am leaning toward allowing this. Have at it and let's see some runs!

Minnesota, USAdan__h2 years ago

As long as you don't gain some sort of advantage by eliminating load screens or something like that, or gain extra exp or items, I don't see a problem with it. I know BGDA1 uses lots of imports and recalls to go OoB and skip certain parts, but it's not doable on certain platforms. If you can find some skips by doing this, I'd be all for it

Minnesota, USAdan__h2 years ago

no known skips yet. Just running

Minnesota, USAdan__h2 years ago

I hope you do more runs! and more runs in other categories!

Minnesota, USAdan__h2 years ago

This is highly likely to take off :-/. My guess is this site surpasses the players' page within a year and a half.

Contact Terrence Fenner to boost the page's credibility and high-end talent.

Minnesota, USAdan__h2 years ago

I mean... We have more categories than runs. That's semi-embarrassing to me, lol. With 2p runs we would gain 6 more categories. This is the main reason I haven't added them, also that there has been interest but no runs.

In the end, what Ellimist says is accurate

Minnesota, USAdan__h2 years ago

As the game currently stands, with no major known glitches as DA1 has, I don't think a different route would decrease any time nor add load screens. The route is pretty much the same no matter what... The only difference I can think of would be using Allesia instead of Vhaidra, because Allesia needs to go into the church to buy exp while Vhaidra's exp buy is in the Purple Wyrm Inn, which you need to enter anyway.

I'm personally a fan of straight RTA, but games like Fable:TLC have integrated eliminating loads fairly well so it certainly could be done to keep the playing field even across all platforms. My view is mostly shaped by LoZ:aLttP speedruns, which are best run on the J1.0 version, which has certain minor glitches and quicker text. It's similar to DA1's set up, where Xbox would be quicker, but it doesn't have the glitches.

From what I know, the remaster hasn't added or eliminated anything, but correct me if I'm wrong. It's basically the same game with slightly nicer graphics on more powerful software. So I don't know if a separate chart is necessary. Like I said, it's likely a moot point due to the lack of runners.

The folks posting on gamefaqs have complained about a glitch that kills the game at Red Fang Base, but apparently that is being patched.

Minnesota, USAdan__h2 years ago

So the remaster was released today, and as of typing this post, there are nearly 200 viewers of BG:DA2 on twitch, which is about 196 more than I've ever seen, lol. Anyway, what will be allowed for the people that choose to speedrun the game? From the couple people I watched, load times seem significantly reduced. We could eliminate load times; would require timing the load screens for a typical run, perhaps by just eliminating the time for a zero-death run, and therefore any death and reload would be extra-punished. Or we could just keep up RTA timing and just acknowledge the best way to play would be on a more powerful system. Thoughts on this are appreciated. It may wind up a completely moot point.

VoRg likes this
Minnesota, USAdan__h3 years ago

Yeah, get the concept. It just doesn't belong on this site. Maybe a forum post on the TT Players' Page will get 3 or 4 takers.

Minnesota, USAdan__h3 years ago

sounds like more focus on item placement and finishing at a strategic time instead of going as fast as you can. meh

Minnesota, USAdan__h4 years ago

And effnah has claimed the $100 bounty. Well done! Although, apparently being from GA is an advantage seeing as the world record largemouth came from there (Lake Montgomery in 1932).

DeLittleCat, peco_de_guile and 2 others like this
Minnesota, USAdan__h4 years ago

I did that with a level-40 Dorn once, imported with boots that gave him +5 sprint. So he becomes a 10-sprint Barbarian with maxed Heart of the Wolf and he is wicked fast. IIRC, my in-game time was 39 minutes, so with load times that translates to about 55-60 minutes real time.

We don't need new categories. The paltry number of people that run the game really doesn't warrant it. And the Extreme Mode category sort of accomplishes the NG+ type of thing anyway.

Minnesota, USAdan__h4 years ago

As long as the emulator doesn't run fast for whatever reason, I'm fine with it. Just no save states, and obviously no TAS.

Artemis/Drizzt are extremely OP through the entire run in that category, so no leveling beyond getting level-5 Sprint is needed for them, honestly.

For Vhaidra, I run with her because she's not drop dependent, so there's less RNG. She's pretty decent throughout the game, even being at a relatively low level. You only really start running into trouble in Act 3 when you fight the foundation bosses, but that's what buying 60+ health potions is for.

Dorn could potentially be a stronger character (which is why I chose him for the extreme mode category), but you need to get to level 8 at least for Hero's Arm, and then leveling Great Weapon Focus plus Two Weapon Fighting plus Sunder plus Improved Critical plus Combat Reflexes just makes it impossible for him to reach his potential without some sort of exploit. If you find such an exploit, go for it. However, I'm never going to allow the cheat that bumps you up to level 15, nor will I allow importing a character for leveling purposes. Thinking about it, that basically kills off that line of thought because to pull off a exp exploit you would likely have to change out or import characters in some way. DA1 does this with its glitches, but that's for warping purposes, not leveling. Personally, I'm more of a semi-purist when it comes to speedruns. I like the minor glitches that allow faster movement or whatever, but massive skips or exp manipulation are meh. Zelda:LttP, for example, is best watched in the no-major-glitches category instead of the category that finishes the game in under 2 minutes, but that's just my opinion.

As for increased leveling the game-intended way, you'd need plenty of pearls and then craft some rings/amulet/boots and kill more enemies. All of that wastes a lot of time and by the time you're at level 20-25 in Act 4, you're at the 4-5 hour mark.

MrMetagross likes this
Minnesota, USAdan__h4 years ago

I'm not the best person to ask about capturing footage. All I use is a Diamond VC500 through a powered splitter to get the video to my laptop and then broadcast on OBS (Open Broadcaster Software). There are plenty more options out there and I'm honestly clueless about the pro/cons of any of them. My setup seems to work ok though.

The game doesn't get many submissions because it's kind of obscure. The game has less than 1000 followers on twitch, so not supremely popular. I improved my runs several times over before ever adding it to speedrun, so technically the game would have more submissions than it does had I done that right away, lol, but they'd still all be from me. As for optimization, I'd say my Artemis run is quite good, probably 2-3 minutes could still come off with a good run and no saves. I save quite a bit because I just hate getting an hour in and then getting purpled by the Nightwalker for an instakill, but it costs quite a bit of time. The Vhaidra run is also pretty solid, but had a few deaths and again several saves, so that definitely can be improved. There's one more runner that I've chatted with on discord who hasn't submitted a time but also got a run under the 2-hour mark.

No major glitches that I'm aware of. I tried to do some clips through walls or onto cliffs, but I don't TAS and I don't hack into code or anything. I've never toyed around with character switching and warps like the ones on DA1, so not sure they're possible. They'd be useful in Bloodmire Manor, the Red Fang mission and Keep of Pale Knight 2. The only glitch I'm aware of is one I did accidentally at the Earth Foundation when Luvia clipped into the wall as she resurrected and died instantly. That glitch actually happened for the first time in my Vhaidra wr run, and I've been able to replicate it a couple times since.

The RNG isn't too bad, mostly boss fight behavior. Bosses that fly around (Chimera, Aizagora) too much cost small amounts of time. Nightwalker is the worst because his purple cloud attack can stun and instakill you, but it seems that can be manipulated. Otherwise the game is just "sprint and don't die."

Bregermann likes this
Minnesota, USAdan__h4 years ago

Obviously you should speedrun it. I can answer any questions you have, and I have a couple level-up guides posted for a few categories.

Minnesota, USAdan__h4 years ago

2 underscores, homes. very important

Minnesota, USAdan__h4 years ago

I don't know who you're replying to, there is no dan_h...

The green light is the final light, the go light. You need to press and hold B half way between the first and second light, which are both red. Refer to Lafungo's post for visual cue in 150cc GP

Minnesota, USAdan__h4 years ago

I'm about 99.8% sure that the only way to unlock 150cc is to get gold on all the cups in 100cc. The above button combo will only unlock Special cup in TT and MR.

Minnesota, USAdan__h4 years ago

Two full lights before the green one, home slice.

About dan__h
9 years ago
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Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario Kart
Last run 6 years ago
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda
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Super Mario World
Super Mario World
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Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros.
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Super Black Bass
Super Black Bass
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Games followed
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
Last visit 6 days ago
Super Black Bass
Super Black Bass
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Super Mario Kart
Super Mario Kart
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Games moderated
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
Last action 9 months ago
Super Black Bass
Super Black Bass
Last action 8 months ago