i think there should be a no 2nd player category, seems werid to not to :p
@MiphaSR not really, thats why i made this :p i check his pb against your pb, and if you look at a stage like chickens in space, you save alot of time on cutscenes. He had to watch peter running away from the chicken and the toxic tanks getting shielded, the cutscene of the hallway, and the super long and annoying cutscene before the bossfight.
So i just realized, on pc you can skip alot of cutscene. On console, you can, but only if you just play THAT stage. so if we load a new stage, we have to play all of the cutscenes once before doing a speedrun. This is fine for ils i guess, but it cant be done on a full game speedrun. so on console we lose alot of time here, and that sucks. I think we should divide it into different catergories for pc and console. This will make the leaderboards smaller, which also sucks, but i think that will be the fair way.
Tried to get into this game, but loading time for my project 64 (1.6) is twice the load time to the wr holder when entering a stage. Tried to change the memory from 4 to 8, but did not do anything. any ideas? no point in running this game if i lose 2 sec each time i enter or leave a stage.
hey i have been playing some sniper: ghost warrior. But them pages for the 3 games need some love. There is just any% and few runs. I have wr for s:GH 1 and want to start speedrunning the other 2 as well. But the other 2 dont even have a 100% category. dont think the 2 mods care anymore, which is understandable, but was wondering if i can become series mod and add stuff like that
hey wanna get into this speedrun and was wondering if we could at least add 100% category. Like we have in sgw 1. its just any% with secrets
I think it would be more accurate if we keep using another timer and not the IGT. But if you all want to switch it, I can change it.
I have a timer when I watch your run, so dont worry, you dont need a timer.
Timer starts when you are on the level you want to do, and press a to select it and timer ends when you hit the finish pole
I will call it any% (No secret exits) since you dont have to do all the castles :p
Low% is any% wihtout power ups or checkpoints
How is this. I added low%, all castles and IL`s. I written the rules down, but nothing is written in stone. I said that IL have any% and 100% which is just with or without star coins
wow okey, I will do my best, already started with IL`s and will add the categorys the majority of the community wants.
Yeah we need at least one more mod, I can be a mod as well. It seems everyone agrees that this is a good idea, we just need mods that make it happen
that would be awesome,I would do level /world runs like crazy. I think it would really help the community of this game as well.