thread: The Site
California, USAZachoholic3 years ago

Thanks for the info, I didn't expect good things to come but oh well

thread: The Site
California, USAZachoholic3 years ago

Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere (if it has could someone link me it?) but when and why did the site implement ads? Before ads only appeared when you weren't logged in, but now they appear regardless. It makes the site a massive pain to use on my phone. Is ELO that strapped for cash or is there some other reason?

KomradeKontroll likes this
thread: The Site
California, USAZachoholic4 years ago

Thanks for being awesome Pac. The site wouldn't have made it to the level it is at without all of your hardwork and dedication. Good luck in your future endeavors and take a good break. You deserve it!

Symystery and afnannen136 like this
California, USAZachoholic4 years ago
  1. Allow skins

  2. Disallow record.dat

  3. I don't care, I'm going to keep it on either way

California, USAZachoholic6 years ago

SAMP is not associated with speedrunning. You are better off asking in a forum specifically associated with SAMP.

Derpeth likes this
California, USAZachoholic6 years ago

Om0 is not the same as duping, so no it will not be rejected

rough chinese translate: Om0与重复不同,所以不会拒绝它。

thread: Talk
California, USAZachoholic6 years ago

If you mean regular gaming, I just hit pause and grab anything food related OpieOP

But if you mean speedgaming, I'm partial to these fruit gummies. They taste good and they're bite-size so I can eat a few at a time.

Ribb95 and HowDenKing like this
thread: Talk
California, USAZachoholic6 years ago

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Amazing game, awful speedgame.

Alternatively, Fallout: New Vegas, which I may end up running if I can get a good enough computer to do so.

Julz likes this
thread: Talk
California, USAZachoholic6 years ago

Drako is definitely a girl. That long hair only proves it.

starsmiley and Quivico like this
thread: The Site
California, USAZachoholic6 years ago

@CriscoWild #s 1-12 of your suggestions are pointless because a separate Mega Man site already exists. 16-23 are pointless because haloruns exists. The times are already being tracked on other sites. Why import them here?

Timmiluvs already phrased my thoughts on this joke of a thread. Get off your high horse and appreciate the site and the (read this slowly now) volunteers that are making the site as good as it is already.

Bogdan_mk, Deln and 4 others like this
thread: The Site
California, USAZachoholic6 years ago

Au revior mon amis! Thanks for doing all you did and good luck in your projects!

thread: The Site
California, USAZachoholic6 years ago

Contact them directly via social media of some type. If that doesn't result in anything then request on the mod request thread here:

MASH likes this
thread: The Site
California, USAZachoholic6 years ago

Thank you for helping out, and good luck in your future endeavors!

California, USAZachoholic6 years ago

For a text explanation:

Before the mission hold down your submission key while you are in the taxi, then continue holding it (throughout the mission) until the cutscene at the laundromat is finished (any earlier and the game will crash). After the cutscene is finished (after you hear "It's a Triad ambush!") release the submission key, the pager will ring, you can now cancel taxi and redo the mission or grab the Borgnine.

For this to work you must have whatever key you have for submissions (I think it is caps lock by default) bound to the same key that lets you look back on foot.

Dishmon, Svenir and 2 others like this
thread: Talk
California, USAZachoholic6 years ago literal cheater :((((((

In all seriousness, congrats!

thread: Talk
California, USAZachoholic7 years ago

Holy Jesus what a thread.

thread: Talk
California, USAZachoholic7 years ago

A world record would be nice :^)

But more importantly I would like to be consistently happy, move out of my parents' place, and get a job/income so I can feel more free in life.

About Zachoholic
9 years ago
25 days ago
Games run
Red Ball 4 Vol.1
Red Ball 4 Vol.1
Last run 7 years ago
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto III
Last run 3 years ago
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami
Last run 6 years ago
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Last run 3 years ago
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
Last run 6 years ago
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Last run 6 years ago
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Princess Nom Nom
Princess Nom Nom
Last run 7 years ago
Games followed
Grand Theft Auto Category Extensions
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto III
Last visit 1 year ago
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Last visit 1 year ago
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Last visit 2 years ago
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Last visit 3 years ago
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami
Last visit 2 years ago