thread: DreamDasher
FinlandXNunuAZ1 year ago

Doing this mostly to bump, but yeah this would split the leaderboard between Story & Speedrun modes. It does indeed lock the difficulty to Hard, it does remove boss fights, dialogue & saving.

Another reason why I'd like the Speedrun category to even be added is because I have the World Record in it for Any% with a 5:51.245 - which is just ever so slightly over a minute faster than 2nd place being Green Star with a 6:51.592.

But I still think that it if it is to be added, we might as well add the other leaderboard categories, those being: Speedrun Any%, Speedrun All Crystals, DIfficulty Modifiers, Easy, Normal, Hard & Nightmare, however that's just a suggestion.

FinlandXNunuAZ2 years ago

I do agree on the fact that Any% should be split -- many people such as Listochik, chumpatrol1 and I already know about it but have not used it because it's well... it's incredibly easy and doesn't require that much skill other than IL1 proficiency and independent mouse movement and keyboard presses. I did it to send a message that the leaderboard needs a revamp - however the next time there is almost a month of inactivity, please leave a message about it or even add another mod who is active to take care of the leaderboard. Grumpy hasn't been online for a legitimate 7 years and Crow hasn't verified any runs in forever-

Mini-rant aside, my conclusion is to yes, split the categories.

But as a site note, it should probably be common sense to make the Epic Battle Fantasy Collection version of Adventure Story it's own leaderboard due to it's vastly improved state (e.g. more equips, bugs such as the one I used for the Any% record have been fixed, spells having more effects).

There was also a new bug discovered for ILs but that may become a hassle to differentiate the glitchless and glitched runs for ILs.

chumpatrol1 likes this
FinlandXNunuAZ3 years ago

I'm going to test this, though I can't submit runs anymore since picture proof is no longer accepted due to timer glitches being found and it being quite hard to time runs where the game slows down due to lag but the timer wont, I can find out new fastest times, I believe that it's possible to skip a few of the jumps at the end of L15 with this, bringing to time down from

I wonder if you can skip some of the needed slowdowns in L9?

FinlandXNunuAZ3 years ago

I entered Foe Rush so quickly after Bat Country that the game still had the Bat Country map loaded, resulting in a broken map that I am currently testing.

1st note: Coins and chests count torwards Foe Rush's coins and chests. 2nd note: Attempting to enter a sub-area (such as 19-A or 7-B), it will say the area is 21-4 if you try to enter sub-area A, then you get 21-5 for sub-area B. 3rd note: You can activate multiple HP ups or MP ups using this. 4th note: Completing this map counts as completing Foe Rush.

FinlandXNunuAZ3 years ago

Sorry that I am late to this, I tested if sword bounces give speed, during my tests I found that they do give a slight temporary speed boost, you can hit it at a ~35 degree at the back on the enemy to launch yourself in the opposite direction the enemy is in.

I am very happy for the resources you posted, I'm just wondering on how to actually use it as I use the newgrounds player version of AS because supernova does not really work.

If you manage to help me with this, you would also prevent a lot of full game resets I would have to do to try to 100% a level, thanks in advance.

On level 1 while I was casually playing, I almost got 25s, it changed to 26s right as I was about to land on the portal, it seems this happened by constantly bouncing off the targets at a specific angle, also some things about sword bouncing: if you want the most height without stopping you can either a option) jump before the enemy and hit a sword bounce on the top at the right time b option) jump right infront of the enemy and then bounce off the enemy immediatly after. option A gives more height, but you get more speed from option B.

Also here is some possible and likely times: L3: Towering Mushrooms - this may have a chance to be reduced to 24s. L5: Bush Battle - this can be beaten even faster than 21s, depending you much damage you deal, it cannot be lowered below 16s as that is the time it takes to get to the boss room, have the boss' death animation play out, the portal appear and then to get to the cat.

But the most likely time is a 31s on Stone Soldiers.

FinlandXNunuAZ3 years ago

So I'm back, with some theories about the game. (...and an explanation) I was gone for 4 months due to school and other events in my life such as a relative passing away. But, I'm back with new theoretically possible world records. (And a theory for the difference between and E-star and a P-star on levels.) So, I was redoing my records with proof now that I have the motivation after losing my progress.

Theoretical LVL 2 Record: 22s, I got very close to this by doing small hops constantly and hitting perfect sword bounces.

Theoretical LVL 4 Record: 23s, This one is the most probable. If you hit some perfect bounces, I got 24s flat -- so this is in reach.

Every level in World 3 is possible to be improved, with the exception of 35s on Glacier Valley and 26s on Tall Tall Mountain -- to my knowledge.

Now for the difference between E-star & P-star, P-star is impossible to get on level 5, 10, 15, 20, 21 and 22 -- as P stands for pacifist and you have to kill the boss to beat those stages with the exception of 21, on that level you need to kill the enemies instead of bosses. ...this could be a made into a category (Pacifist%)

(Edit: fixed the broken italian)

FinlandXNunuAZ3 years ago

All current AS records: Here is the list: (last updated on 3.11.2021) IL Any% WRs Training Grounds: (Very much tied) WR is 0:26 by me, xuan135, Dawgup, etc. Forest of Slimes: (Tied) WR is 0:23 by me and chumpatrol1 Towering Mushrooms: (Tied) WR is 0:25 by me and champatrol1 Bat Country: WR is 0:25 by me Bush Battle (Boss): WR is 0:21 by me Sandstorm Cliffs: WR is 0:24 by me The Ancient Ruins: WR is 0:32 by me Lost Civilization: WR is 0:25 by me Stone Soldiers: WR is 0:32 by me Eye of the Beholder: WR is 0:47 by me Sherbet Land: WR is 0:39 by me Northern Lights: WR is 0:36 by me Glacier Valley: WR is 0:36 by me Tall Tall Mountain: WR is 0:31 by me Absolute Zero: WR is 0:47 by me Molten Wasteland: WR is 0:32 by me Bombs Away: WR is 0:24 by me Grave Diggers: WR is 0:32 by me Hellfire Peaks: WR is 0:48 by me Oblivion: WR is 1:06 by xuan135

Extra Levels: Foe Rush: n/a Boss Rush: WR is 2m 57s by xuan135

Non IL: Any% WR is 35m 07s by Crafterdark NG+ WR is n/a 100% WR is n/a All Medals WR is n/a Any% (Epic) WR is n/a 100% (Epic) WR is n/a World 1 WR is n/a World 1 100% WR is n/a World 2 WR is n/a World 2 100% WR is n/a World 3 WR is n/a World 3 100% WR is n/a World 4 WR is n/a World 4 100% WR is n/a

thread: Speedrunning
FinlandXNunuAZ3 years ago

I would really like to submit runs without a youtube but rather a video from a different area you can post them on, since youtube is completely broken for me, everytime I go there nothing works and sometimes it just crashes my browser. Is twitch an option?

About XNunuAZ
A mediocre player who excels at platformers.
3 years ago
3 months ago
Games run
Epic Battle Fantasy Adventure Story
Cactus McCoy and the Curse of Thorns
Games followed
Cactus McCoy 2: The Ruins of Calavera
Last visit 1 year ago
Opposite Day
Opposite Day
Last visit 9 months ago
Epic Battle Fantasy Adventure Story
Cactus McCoy and the Curse of Thorns
Last visit 1 year ago
The Valley Rule
The Valley Rule
Last visit 1 year ago