Hello everyone, I'm making this post to discuss a potential big change to the leaderboard. Substantially, there is a possible difference in loading time between real consoles and emulators. Considering that all the runs currently submitted to this leaderboard are done in emulators, this was a thing that I've considered in the past, but considering the number of runs there were I've never made anything much. Now that this game is getting some more run and potential new players, there is a risk that runs done on console would always be slower in RTA and this wouldn't be fair to console players. For this reason, my proposal is to divide all the full-game categories between console run and emulator runs for a fair competion (in a way similar to how the Super Mario 64 leaderboard did it, to make an example). These rules changes would not affect any current run in the leaderboard and would only separate future console runs, avoiding the retiming of each emulator run and the loading times. Nothing would change for the current level leaderboard as in game time is used. Considering this would still be a big change, if someone would like to say its opinion or what other changes could be done, this thread was made for this discussion. Unless nothing else emerges from this thread, I would add this changes the next week or the one after that, depending when I will have some times to do it. Newly submitted run until that point will still go on the leaderboard, I will eventually relocate them to the new appropriated category when the changes go live.