thread: Enthusia Professional Racing
Ah okay, I was thinking about recording a race (or just the fastest lap) from the Enthusia Life mode as method of submitting a lap time as you can use your upgraded cars, I also remember your fastest laps for each circuit in Enthusia Life being stored somewhere (would need to check).
thread: Enthusia Professional Racing
Hello, for the individual track submissions are we allowed to use cars with tuning levels and custom settings?
The rules suggest that we are not, however there is a field for the tuning level when submitting a run.
Tiago_Rosa likes this
thread: Enthusia Professional Racing
Cool thanks, in that case I think I'll start playing again as it was one of my favourites back in the PS2 days, we'll see if I get good enough to post any times. :D
Saturn185 likes this
thread: Enthusia Professional Racing
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