it's most likely because you killed yourself from the explosion in the betting shop. Make sure to go away from the door before detonating. I've seen it here :
for ps4 duping, you can check HugoOne's ps2 any% runs, he is the only one that has done it as far as I'm concered. AFAIK, you're fine as long as you don't dupe in cutscene (start mission om0 > enter marker again after the cutscene - should always work) otherwise the game will crash.
^ you can use one minigun pick-up instead, it's less risky and only 20-25 sec slower to rockets.
I agree on how important it is to be accurate but I disagree with the comparison between athletics and speedrunning. This website is not official because speedrunning is not officially recognized as a thing. It’s only official to the community of speedrunning —> No one is in fact committed to post their runs here, and runs are also video proofs which indeed belong to their owners. There are ways to conserve this accuracy following rules (keeping timer but not the name etc).
Back to the initial topic, Crucial’s request for segregating leaderboards for the WS version resonates many SA speedrunners (if not most) and I’m sure there will be a resolution to that direction in the end. Afaik mods are open for discourse on that topic. Peace 🦍
Out of curiosity, since when does SR. com have to be accurate to the point that can violate copyrights ? Is it written somewhere or is it just a personal aspiration for this site ? Unless this site has a legal permission to do so.
As for the accuracy, people can find the WR if they ask in the community, if they search on YouTube and other platforms, etc. As you may have seen this site is not the center of the world and it shouldn’t be considered as such. I would mind if someone listed my name to a website without me wanting to. Although, there should be ways to keep it relatively accurate and respect runners too. It’s up to leaderboard mods
"Driveby route 1" looks faster by more than 0.5 sec