And also small question. I post it here cause I don't know where to put it. Is there any way to make sure that this tetrarch will die in 4th battle. I was sitting today for two hours just testing a ways to make it happen. But he wouldn't die or I just lost to much time. I tried shooting lt vz 35. But when I did it he tetrarch never died. But when I shot the tetrarch 2 to 3 times i lost to much time. is there a way to get a some kind of guarantee or only thing I can hope for is blessing of rng.
I just looked at curret WR on speedrun in category bootcamp USSR. And I think that we need a new sub category. 3 of the speedruns, including the world record are outdated to current state of game. Since 1.10 we got equipment 2.0. And for example newer speedruners have advantage in equipment. Since in 1.9 you could mount only toolbox. And now it was replaced with equipment that also allows player to have more hp. And since 1.10 we are not able to mount oil in consumables. And have disadvantage in speed. So overall i think that we need to split the bootcamp speedruns. In to 0.9.19-Pre 1.9, 1.9, 1.10+ To make it as fair as possible.
Maybe adding a category. "One shot". Split in to two sub categories Fastest one shot someone received and dealt. It would be interesting category to see.