
Hello everyone! My name is TheAngryRanter and I have noticed that all of the records listed are 2021 records which makes this small community rather new! I just wanted to say hello and create a thread where any runners can introduce themselves so we can all meet the competition!

May the RNG always be in your favour!

Hello everyone, AngryRanter here, a new runner to PvZ 1. I was wondering what some of the more basic strats that everyone uses when running PvZ? When you watch other types of games being Speedrun, you can see different level strategies and such, jsut wondering what kind of things exist in PvZ to cut down on time? Is routing a thing in this game?

I know one thing that I can do is remember which plants are acquired when, and be faster on choosing my teams prior to each round. Was just wondering if there are any such types of strats anyone uses?

Hello everyone! I have really been enjoying watching Speedrunning videos on YT and really wanted to get into it myself!

My name is TheAngryRanter (YT Channel same name) and one of these days soon I want to begin trying to do Speedruns and posting them on my channel. I hope to also begin being active on the forums and Discords!

About TheSilentGamer1996
4 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Hot Shots Golf
Hot Shots Golf
Last run 2 years ago
Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Hot Shots Golf
Hot Shots Golf
Last visit 1 year ago