thread: Speedrunning
CanadaTheNightmareKing3 years ago

I know that I Just wanted to know if it is posable to submit a run without one

thread: Speedrunning
CanadaTheNightmareKing3 years ago

do I need a you tube channel to submit runs or can I have photo evidences of me doing the run?

thread: Talk
CanadaTheNightmareKing3 years ago

what did I need to do to become a mod for games>

thread: Talk
CanadaTheNightmareKing3 years ago

to all the moderators whats it like being one and what games do you moderate?

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thread: Talk
CanadaTheNightmareKing4 years ago

Is it posable to delete my own forums if so how

thread: Talk
CanadaTheNightmareKing4 years ago

I got my username form Nightmare King Grimm form hollow kight

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thread: Speedrunning
CanadaTheNightmareKing4 years ago

I am asking this because I don't know how or what to use to record it so if I can do that what would I need to do to get it verified and added to the leaderbord?

thread: Speedrunning
CanadaTheNightmareKing4 years ago

can someone tell me what PB splits and segments are and what and how they work.

CanadaTheNightmareKing4 years ago

I just want to say hey to all you speedruners and if you have any tip or tricks for a game or just speedruning tell me. hope you all have a good day

About TheNightmareKing
4 years ago
3 years ago