Where do I get them?
I'm new at speedruning this game. How people on videos use autosplitter if I can't load an autosplitter for this game (that what livesplit says). And I quite don't understand one another thing. If I want to speedrun all 30 levels, I have to use livesplit or would an in-game timer be enough?
I need it because IGT edition in-game timer is bad imo
I just wanted to speedrun red ball 1, when suddenly this message pop up.
If I press "Нет" (No) the timer won't automaticaly start when I move in rb1
If I press "Да" (Yes) splits are going to reset and the timer also doesn't start when I move in red ball 1
(I also don't know why it says Geometry Dash)
Help please
what's the difference between deterministic patch and regular version of red ball 1?
and also what is IGT edition?
what is deterministic patch?