United StatesTheClassicOne883 years ago for more information on this matter.

The submissions that may be at risk for this Leaderboard from this change are:

crafted - Any% (Console) 12:16 - 2/28/2016

Something - Any% (EMU) 12:34 - 7/9/2016

Something - Any% (EMU) 13:05 - 7/2/2016

PreFiXAUT - Any% (EMU) 13:30 - 10/17/2014

Jesse_Lee - 100% (Console) 1:43:16 - 9/8/2016

If you have any further questions, feel free to message me on here.

United StatesTheClassicOne884 years ago

This is a quick post to inform everyone that emulators have been added as a separate board. After everything, I felt that this was the best way to go about it and keep both sides in balance. EMU rules will be under the Game Rules tab so be sure to check it out to ensure there isn't an issue with verifying your submission. As always any feedback on the matter is welcome by either posting on this thread or getting in contact with me on here or Discord. Best of luck to everyone on their future runs and let's have some fun running this game and see where we can take it.

United StatesTheClassicOne885 years ago

I adjusted the Leaderboards for both of these categories to be able to add the Score when you submit a run. For some reason, the rules are not showing now after that change so I will need to ask to see what might be the issue. Moving forward for these categories, place the Score in the High Score or High Score No Fruit Tab and then put a random number in the hours column which will then be adjusted depending on your place on the Leaderboard. If you have any questions, feel free to message me or respond to this post and thanks.

Update: It looks like the issue with some rules not showing up on the site has been corrected from the time I just checked so we should be good moving forward.

RetroPacman and Fenwick like this
United StatesTheClassicOne886 years ago

A big update was just made for Hoo-Boy that adds 10 more levels and adds enemies and obstacles to avoid in all the levels. I want feedback from everyone that has run the game on what we should do with the old runs since the game is completely different now with the new additions.

Melwing17 likes this
United StatesTheClassicOne887 years ago

I did some testing as I plan on doing this category at some point. The game gives you a gold crown above the level when you collect the 3 coins in each level. In level 15, there are 4 coins but one of them can't be reached (the one next to the goal near the gust that sends you up). Therefore as far as for the 100% category, you don't need to collect that mentioned coin as all it seems to be is a way to get trolled, hahaha. Feel free to send me feedback on that in this thread and thanks.

Melwing17 likes this
About TheClassicOne88
10 years ago
Games run
The Ninja of the 4 Seasons
The Ninja of the 4 Seasons
Last run 1 month ago
The Beatles Adventures in Pepperland
Super Mario Bros. 3Mix
Super Mario Bros. 3Mix
Last run 5 years ago
Super Jagua
Super Jagua
Last run 3 years ago
Turtle Tale
Turtle Tale
Last run 1 year ago
Games moderated
Pac-Man 256
Pac-Man 256
Last action 14 days ago
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
The Ninja of the 4 Seasons
The Ninja of the 4 Seasons
Last action 11 days ago
Kaizo Mario Bros. 3
Kaizo Mario Bros. 3
Last action 9 days ago
Super Mario Bros. 3 Classic
Super Mario Bros. 3 Classic
Last action 13 days ago
The Rainbow Realms 2
The Rainbow Realms 2
Last action 4 years ago
Super Jagua
Super Jagua
Last action 3 years ago
Rising Dusk
Rising Dusk
Last action 2 years ago