It's worth noting that a second leaderboard under the name 'The Letter: Classic Edition' was made accidently by another user, so that one does not need to be added to the series.
Hi, I'm a Super Mod of the Treefall Studios series and I'm hoping to add an already existing game, 'The Letter: Classic Edition' to this series. Would appreciate some help with getting that set up.
Thanks for the feedback, I just changed the release date (I based it off the Steam release date) and added more platform options for the future! 👍
What's a meme?
Added the category. Great Idea!
The best way to do it is to just play on PC, from what I know there is no convenient way to record off iOS.
Hey everyone, I've been reading up on the forum posts, and I agree we need some new categories. So on this thread I would like to know the community's ideas for some good categories? Sorry this didn't happen sooner, and thank you for your patience.
I will bring it up with the other moderators, but I agree with you completely. At the time we created these leaderboards we had no idea it would become this popular, so we kinda just set up place holder categories and focused on the level runs.
If you liked The Office I recommend Parks and Recreation, it has the exact same humor.
These two games should be apart of a series because they are made by the same indie developer
I have been trying to upload a cover but it keeps saying, "Failed to rename theme folder" what does this mean?
Me and my friend were actually thinking of doing a run where we see how fast we can complete the Mob of the Dead easter egg
Me and my friend were actually thinking of doing a run where we see how fast we can complete the Mob of the Dead easter egg
Hello sub 1:40 is possible and that leaping guy is a filthy casual at Ice Creamed