Georgia, USASkuttie1 month ago

These are also in general but if you're doing ILs I'm assuming you've got 100% unlocked already.

Keeping on the advanced reload mechanics allows for slam firing the lever action rifle and pump shotgun, which I do use in the run as it allows absurdly high DPS compared to basic reload where you can't slam fire. (Hold shoot and mash pump to fire rounds in the tube as fast as you can mash.)

Upgrade Greed first to go faster, then Sloth for the slower stamina drain. The virtues you get all this can be gotten in 1-1 through 1-4 and 2-1 through 2-4. The one on 4-4 can also be gotten with no down time, Pride for more max health or Gluttony for more consumables up to you.

Make sure to get the dash on 3-Boss it's faster.

ALL of the armors slow down your sprint speed, just wear the cloths.

Sell enough consumables to get 1000 gold that's all you need for the run.

Grab the quad launcher to ruin Xenon's day you can get it in the chest in 4-1 that's right at the start. Upgrade it for cluster bombs at the nearest upgrade table on your route. (I did it at Intermission IV you also probably don't need to grab the heavy machine gun in 5-4 like I did but old habits)

Get the XETA Rifle in 6-1 and get the grappling hook in the room behind it, this is extremely important for the rest of the run allowing you to break the rest of the maps wide open.

Grabbing the Whetstone increases your melee DPS this is especially noticeable against Grimaldia, The Demon Of Patience, get into the middle of his sprite like I do in the run and kill it in about 20 seconds.

The refight with Xenon use what rockets you have left, the redeemer under the stage and the laser for the best dps, the axe unfortunately doesn't melt him like it does Grimaldia.

Keep an eye on your oxygen during the epilogue!

It should technically be faster to destroy the artifacts but it doesn't really matter which ending you get.

memee420, Hello121, and Temeski like this
Georgia, USASkuttie1 month ago

All arts, all virtues, all upgrades, all characters in the inn and all EX levels? Anything else I'm missing?

Georgia, USASkuttie1 year ago

I'm thinking about doing a run, tried to follow along with B Ending but am kind of lost on what to do, do I really need a small key for the sewers? Little things like that I'm getting hung up on.

Georgia, USASkuttie1 year ago

So far I've gotten newts, the horse and bulldozers to do it. Some massive time saves out there if any enemy can do it.

Memarios and DoobyCZ like this
Georgia, USASkuttie2 years ago

Involves a slight turn and bouncing the katana off him at the start then walking around the arm he doesn't attack with

Georgia, USASkuttie2 years ago

just push her up, move towards the cabinet and you're good.

Yubari, pixelbubble, and
like this
Georgia, USASkuttie2 years ago

So the gates in nowhere there's the bug where you back out of them then just walk through the gate, has anyone tried that with the keycard door in the hospital and the plaque door in Nowhere?

Georgia, USASkuttie2 years ago

Feel free to post whatever you find here too.

This is stuff I've found between routing things with Wulf and messing around on my own. (note that you can in fact buy the shotgun upgrade to basically double jump and that's not routed in, yet. But there's a few here to show it off)

Mine Town Bridge skip -

You can just do the dodge-jump-kick tech for this you don't need momentum then either.

Coal Climber Skip -

You gain momentum bouncing against this, not in runs yet because enemies are down there, may not be viable anyway cause of Mega Mine Skip but if someone can get it fast without taking too much damage maybe.

Mega Mine Skip -

The big one, skip most of the mine stage. No consistent way to do it yet but it saves about 50 seconds. With the shotgun tech (which you can get just before this due to the workbench) may make this easier/faster somehow.

Asylum Grounds Skip -

Skip to the roof and finish the level in Asylum Grounds, you only need one barrel to do this even without the shotgun jump. Very easy, also saves about a minute.

Asylum Container Gate Skip

Probably only saves one or two seconds if you get it. Shows off the shotgun tech.

Asylum Gas Goating -

Climb the asylum like a goat to skip most of the back half

Crypts Water Jump -

Skip going around or setting up with a barrel here.

Crypts Crate Jump -

Skip going around at the end, can do it from the handle spot but the skeletons are aggressive.

Wovyn likes this
Georgia, USASkuttie2 years ago

I did a death speedrun

blazephon and ScopeFish like this
Georgia, USASkuttie2 years ago

Here it is

I'd submit it but it's not letting me change the name.

Georgia, USASkuttie3 years ago

I've been wanting to record a run but y'know the game's broken but some things I've noticed in runs that people are doing but don't need to -

You don't need to buy the fish outfit you can swim in her underwear just as fast, saves toothwheels for ammo.

This strat for the second boss-

You don't need to look at the candle puzzle solution first you can do it if you already know the answer

Georgia, USASkuttie4 years ago

lets you skip the stagger animation during falls, so if falling down is faster than descending ladders normally this makes it faster. Just wiggle until you hit the ground

Giraudo, Jam3s, and TrZ46 like this
Georgia, USASkuttie4 years ago

Video quality's not great but enough speed and using the charge attack lets you skip doing the laser puzzle here.

Giraudo, Jam3s, and TrZ46 like this
Georgia, USASkuttie8 years ago

That'll make it more relevant/not as dead I hope.

bloodwhale and OJSN like this
Georgia, USASkuttie8 years ago

I think I did anyway it's not something I've messed around with too much and if someone else wants to make one later go for it.

Georgia, USASkuttie8 years ago

Just to be clear, this is NOT the Supply Drop Update! We're hard at work on that update (particularly pasts at the moment) and it will be released as soon as it's ready!

In the meantime, we've built up quite a list of bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements that we're releasing today ahead of the content update. These have been on the public beta branch for a while now, but some critical bugs caused by an engine update have kept us from releasing this to everyone; with all of these issues now resolved or worked around, we're ready for the release of 1.0.10! As always, if you see any issues please post on the Steam support forums or email us directly at

Patch notes below:

Major Upgraded Unity (game engine) and Wwise (sound engine) in an effort to increase compatibility Improved VRAM usage (should prevent some crash bugs) Include C++ Redistributable DLLs to fix a "stuck at black screen" issue some users experienced when launching the game Gungeon will now default to DirectX 11 if available

Improvements Added a more reliable way to encounter Brother Albern and his Lies Brother Albern's chest can no longer spawn as a Mimic or have a fuse Flying players can now access the maintenance room (for unlocking shortcuts) Revamped the Duct Tape item; the item now must be activated twice to be used (once on each gun to combine), and the UI properly reflects taped guns' status Improved the Yari's damage output to bosses You can now quick reload with the Cog of Battle by simply clicking the "Fire" button Corpses will no longer vanish on low quality settings if the player has the Melted Rock Players can no longer take fire damage while in a conversation Improved the Big Boy item Greatly improved the Flame Hand The Gunboots' shots will no longer be blocked by orbitals Added a failsafe to the Gun That Can Kill The Past--if mouse clicks are not registering, it can now be fired by holding the interact key. Forge Hammers and the Ammoconda's turrets are now affected by the Aged Bell The iBomb Companion App should now destroy all enemy exploding projectiles when activated Flipping tables near barrels will no longer destroy the barrel (this was especially annoying for the water barrel on the first floor) Made bouncing bullets more consistent; all bullets that reflect off walls should have a consistent visual trail, which disappears when no bounces remain Pressing Left Alt no longer makes the game blurry (... lol) Bouncing/spawning projectiles that hit player orbitals will no longer bounce/explode (this was causing some unfair damage) The Bullet Bore can now kill Lead Maidens Gave the RC rockets a very small delay before tracking to reduce rocket overlap Button presses that close the pause menu are no longer registered in game as well (which could cause players to accidentally purchase shop items, etc.) Secret characters can now use the shrine in the first room Blasphemy is now affected by more passives (Scattershot, Double Vision) The Owl will no longer attempt to blank the player's bullets The Owl's blanks will no longer destroy special projectiles (boomerang, chaff grenade, etc) Added the Gungeon font to the game in a way that makes it more accessible to modders Rainbow chests can no longer be mimics The Ring of Chest Friendship now ¤actually¤ increases the chances of a chest appearing (previously it only increased the chance of a room clear reward appearing)

Bug Fixes Fixed a memory leak caused by using the slow motion gun select menu frequently Fixed the bug where killing a Blobulon could result in the current room unsealing even though two Blobuloids were spawning (FINALLY! Thanks everyone for the videos of this issue, they were extremely helpful!) Fixed multiple situations where chests could drop items into pits Fixed a bug where killing Mimics in hallways could cause all kinds of strange behavior Fixed a bug which was preventing the Enraging Photo and Battery Bullets from dropping once unlocked Fixed the Zilla Shotgun's ammo usage Fixed a crash during dungeon generation caused by the Sense of Direction Fixed a bug which could cause secondary merchants to have fewer (or no) items for sale Fixed an issue where the secret characters had 1 less i-frame during their dodge roll Fixed a bug where falling into a pit with the Super Hot Watch resulted in a very long delay Fixed an issue where followers wouldn't shoot mimics if they left their initial room Fixed an issue that could prevent players from saving Fixed several issues caused by certain items combined with the Polaris The Metronome is no longer broken by gun swaps in Blessed Gun runs Fixed an issue where the Gun Cultists had several unintended i-frames Fixed a bug where picking up the Bloodied Scarf while dodgerolling would break the game Fixed several issues with the <REDACTED> fight (final final final boss) Phase 1/2: Fixed a freeze caused by having a dead player in co-op Phase 2: Fixed a freeze caused by falling into the pit during the transition Phase 3: Fixed a bug where the boss could hit players with a seemingly invisible bullet Phase 3: Fixed a bug where the circular attack could be entirely removed with a few small explosions Fixed a bug where dying in the mine cart with a gun soul caused control issues Fixed (another) issue where players could become stuck while talking to the dying cop Fixed a visual issue with jammed bullets while using Fast Scaling mode Fixed a bug caused by blowing up the mirror chest Fixed an audio bug caused by chests with fuses Fixed several bugs involving the transition to the second secret level Fixed a UI bug where picking and dropping guns with infinite ammo would cause the ammo count to drift to the left Fixed an issue where the Lost Adventurer dialogue could be interrupted in co-op Fixed a bug caused by spamming the Use key with the Air Strike item Fixed an issue where the Revolvenant's arm bullets could be stuck in an attack Fixed a bug where the Kill Pillars could be killed from outside the boss room with certain weapons Fixed a bug where minecarts would move forever if the enemy in them was killed by being frozen Fixed misleading UI when resetting the save progress for Slot D Fixed a bug where Mimics would drop double loot when pushed into a pit Fixed a strange issue where using an ice weapon with Exploding Bullets would cause all future explosions to freeze Fixed a UI bug caused by items that increase the player's ammo capacity Fixed a bug where teleporters could spawn outside of room bounds Fixed an issue where the Frifle hunt achievement would unlock one step early Fixed a bug where getting the Mimic Tooth Necklace could cause visual glitches on chests that have already been destroyed Fixed an issue where RPG missiles would travel directly through a certain secret wall on the first floor Fixed a minor visual bug in the Sorceress's room Fixed a bug which could prevent Mimic's from animating (while still hidden) Fixed a bug that prevent the Treadnaught from dropping money like other bosses Fixed an issue where the DraGun's rocket attack could damage the player ¤during¤ his phase transition Fixed an issue where the Magic Lamp would only affect the Ammoconda if he was hit in the head Players can no longer teleport to teleporters that are not visible in the minimap Fixed a bug where changing the in-game language then discarding those change could result in a language/font mismatch Gunsling King can no longer require you to clear a room with "Spice" Going to the final area in the Forge with the fullscreen map up no longer locks the map on screen Fixed a memory crash caused by using the Microtransaction Gun with a large amount of currency (a.k.a. our accidental cheat prevention bug :D) Fixed an issue where pausing the game while holding down the trigger to fire the Gun That Can Kill The Past would result in a soft lock Fixed a bug where using alternate blank layouts didn't work in the Pilot's past

bloodwhale likes this
Georgia, USASkuttie8 years ago

I bought it, messed around with it, came up with a route and did a run. Runs are a bit over 30 minutes right now but if you could get minimal deaths it could be sub 30. I don't know why the store page says March but here it is.

I also did a run here

There's a really barebones route in the youtube description.

Georgia, USASkuttie8 years ago

Patch 1.0.9

Added a new version for 64-bit Windows (should be automatically downloaded by Steam) Fixed a bug which could cause level generation to hang indefinitely Mimics no longer teleport when re-entering their room, and can now follow you out of reward rooms Explosions can no longer hit players through walls Fixed a bug which could cause you to get stuck in a conversation if the shopkeeper teleported away while you were talking to him The Compass now works in Bullet Hell Fixed input issues when using the left stick in the slow motion gun select mode Added an option to allow unknown controllers, and to restrict XInput and non-XInput controllers (see this post for details) Improved the feel of using the left stick to navigate menu options Reduced memory usage of lights and the Ammonomicon (may help with memory related crashes) Angering the main shopkeeper will no longer cause other shop types to have no inventory The dog will no longer damage the portable turret on contact Projectile traps are now affected by the Aged Bell Fixed an issue where sharks from the Compressed Air Tank couldn't hit bosses that exist in pits (e.g. DraGun, <Redacted>) Fixed an issue where Table Tech Sight (and similar items) combined poorly with shotguns and similar weapons Fixed an issue where some players couldn't retry the tutorial Fixed a bug caused by dying to flames while holding the Clone item Changing characters in the Breach after purchasing a round of Blessed Gun mode no longer breaks the mode Gatling Gull's melee attack no longer ignores the Ethereal state Fixed a bug which caused some rooms to spawn with no enemies if the player is cursed Young Beholsters spawned by the Eye of the Beholster will no longer attack <REDACTED> (secret character unlock) Fixed an issue which could cause players to get stuck in a conversation with the Cop when he dies Receiving the Gunsling King reward now immediately increments your number of wins (it's no longer necessary to speak directly to the King afterward) Fixed a bug where some table tech effects would persist forever if you dropped the item while they were active Homing bullets caught by the Red Wizard now behave correctly Fixed a bug where the first attack of the DraGun's second phase could be skipped Fixed an exploit where the DraGun fight could be cheesed with flight items Damaging companions no longer restores the player's active item cooldowns Fixed an exploit where players could hide in boss doors that spawned to the north of boss rooms Shotgun Full of Love no longer takes 2 ammo per shot Fixed a problem with the Gunknight Armor set when used by the Marine Fixed the death animation for the Gunknight Armor set Fixed a UI bug which could prevent ammo for displaying for Mahoguny Fixed some Fast Scaling visual bugs (Jammed effect on projectiles now shows, fixed some issues with boss transitions) Fixed some string issues in several translated lines of dialogue (heart symbols, wavy text for the Ledge Goblin) Fixed some animation issues when <REDACTED> (secret character) has a flight item Left click will now always work in menus, even if the default keyboard shoot button has been rebound Fixed a bug caused by using an escape rope while riding in a mine cart Added an option to turn off "look in movement direction" behavior (see this post for details) Added a workaround for those who earned Lead God but did not unlock the Super Hot Watch (see this post for details)

Georgia, USASkuttie8 years ago

Just as I made a tutorial for it too, glad it's gone tho. Now what do we do about the times that used it?

About Skuttie
9 years ago
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Games run
Enter the Gungeon
Enter the Gungeon
Last run 6 years ago
Last run 7 years ago
Last run 1 year ago
Last run 1 year ago
Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remaster
PAYDAY: The Heist
PAYDAY: The Heist
Last run 9 years ago
Nightmare of Decay
Nightmare of Decay
Last run 2 years ago
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
Last run 4 years ago
Games followed
Last visit 11 months ago
Last visit 3 months ago
Grime House
Grime House
Last visit 1 year ago
Lycanthorn II - Rain of Beasts
Lycanthorn II - Rain of Beasts
Last visit 3 months ago
Last visit 6 months ago
Hands of Necromancy
Hands of Necromancy
Last visit 2 years ago
Last visit 2 years ago
Last visit 13 days ago
Games moderated
Enter the Gungeon
Enter the Gungeon
Last action 6 days ago
Last action 2 days ago
Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remaster
Beyond Citadel
Beyond Citadel
Last action 2 days ago
Lycanthorn II - Rain of Beasts
Lycanthorn II - Rain of Beasts
Last action 1 year ago
Way of the Samurai 4
Way of the Samurai 4
Last action 2 years ago
Last action 11 months ago
Last action 1 month ago