Great job. Had me on edge when watching it for verification. Also, cool to see someone play this after 2 years of nothing
Since there is over 200 players I feel like top 15-20 should have video proof, but if it stays at 10 that is still amazin
Really well I think this so serious and no meme. And one can't take a game and its categories seriously if the moderator thinks of it as a men and won't verify a run that can easily be beaten. Also game is dead I'm only one who has submitted a run within the past year
My obs crapped out on me and that's why I don't have full video. Nowhere in the rules does it say video proof required and I am planning on seriously speed running this game. It was a one time issue, and I am a trusted member in other Mario kart games. Thank you for your time NES
Also a different suggestion I have is to add milliseconds to the submission thing since the difference in times are less than a second as people get faster
Are using skips allowed in Any%? seems like an unfair thing, and it isnt mentioned in the rules
Are using skips allowed in Any%? seems like an unfair thing, and it isnt mentioned in the rules
Thanks for the clarification. I was just curious because it there was no specific rule, and i suck so much at puyo puyo especially some of the later game stages
I was wondering if you are required to get at least 1 star on each level for any%. I know there is a Help Mode after failing around 4-5 times and was wondering if that is allowed to be used in a run?
How do i use this on a keyboard without the crappy number pad
Do we have to do the Solo Intro mode using episode view mode on the menus, or are we allowed to use level view mode?
All the regions are the same. You can do the same glitches on all regions, and RNG is evil on every region and no specific region can save you from the RNG.
By the looks of when people have submitted runs, it looks like a lot more people have been doing individual cup runs compared to all cup tour. This could be a good reason to make them main categories since i see people doing these runs more often.
After running all cup tour in 150cc, i tried a run in mirror mode, and it is alot harder because most people have muscle memory for the normal courses, and everything being opposite makes more difficult.
I decided to make a Google Spreadsheet for categories that are not on this site. If anyone wants to help me fill in all the missing stuff you can let me know so i can give you permission to edit the document.