Minnesota, USAScarrien1 year ago

I'm sorry, I haven't been active as a runner for a while so forgot to check about verifying. I'm working through the backlog now, it'll take a while.

The_Anime_Lurk and Arkad200 like this
Minnesota, USAScarrien4 years ago

Since i got runs from different people back-to-back, i decided it's probably time to make a discord server dedicated to this game.

thread: The Site
Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago

I would like to request moderation to Metal Slug 5. I did a co-op run with my friend @CountGooby and messaged the only mod, @sukimos, about making room for it on the leaderboard on the 9th. Since I still haven't heard any response, I'd like to request moderation in order to put room on the leaderboard for my run.

Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago

Most of the time it's best to just ask a mod to make whatever change you have in mind, especially if it's simply to make new categories

Pear and Otterstone_Gamer like this
Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago
  1. Either convince the site mods to make you one (unlikely, they only do so in worst-case scenarios) or convince an existing mod to make you one
  2. yes you can
Pear and Otterstone_Gamer like this
Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago

Subcategories would be enough

Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago

I'm considering running this game, could the All Team Races, All Team Grand Prix, and Team Adventure Any% categories have their player counts updated to 3 players? With how the game encourages teamwork, I feel like it would make sense to allow you to do the run as a team.

If so, make sure to write in that the players need to be on a team together and that it uses the slowest player's IGT for each race.

thread: The Site
Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago

I want to become a mod for Octodad: Dadliest Catch. Three of the mods haven't logged in for months, while the other two haven't approved a run I submitted two weeks ago.

Additionally, I've been requesting new subcategories from the mods and I haven't gotten any response from them. I've tried DMing @Fog on Twitter (5/15), posting on the game forum (5/21), and sending a message in the discord server (5/23) (no, the message hasn't gotten buried over time. There have only been 3 messages since asking, none from the mods).

If it makes any difference, the subcategories I'm asking for are for Co-op% to have 2/3/4 players as a subcategory and Roulette mode on/off as another, since I did a 4p run with and without Roulette mode and want somewhere to put it on the leaderboard.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and 6oliath like this
Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago

Hi, me and some friends did Co-op% in a marathon, and we were wondering if that leaderboard could have subcategories added so we can submit it.

We did it with four players with Roulette mode both on and off, so I'd like to request 2/3/4 players be added as a subcategory and Roulette mode on/off as another.

Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago

Hi everyone, I've decided to make a discord server. Let's try to build up the community!

Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago

I've decided to make a discord server, let's try to build up the community

TheGlitched64 likes this
Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago

Glad you're interested, we don't have a discord server but I'd be happy to make one if people thing that they'll use it.

AstraLumina likes this
thread: The Site
Minnesota, USAScarrien5 years ago

Hi, I'm currently the only active runner for Octodad: Dadliest Catch ( ), and I'd like to become a mod due to mod inactivity. I've been waiting on getting a 31 minute long run verified for the last 16 days, and I'd like the ability to verify it myself.

I know that I should contact the mods (I haven't yet), but I've noticed before that half of them are inactive and the other half only occasionally log in (often going for weeks at a time without logging in).

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Minnesota, USAScarrien6 years ago

I'd suggest getting other people to do the run with you, especially if it's the NG+ boss rush. It's faster and more entertaining to have more players (although it seems to make the game slightly less stable, during my 4P run we had to restart the game due to a major bug)

Minnesota, USAScarrien6 years ago

Can co-op be moved to being a part of the Gunship/Samus subcategory? I did a run with CountGooby, but we need to have duplicate runs on the leaderboard and there's no way to tell that we did it together.

edit: Also because it's otherwise impossible to have ONLY Samus or ONLY Gunship in co-op

Minnesota, USAScarrien6 years ago

Hi everyone, I recently made the GBA version of the game into a seporate page. I'll keep the runs here for a little while, so please let me know if you find any issues that need to be fixed between them.

Pear likes this
Minnesota, USAScarrien6 years ago

From what I tell it doesn't have any subcategories, so it won't show up under any of them on the leaderboard.

Minnesota, USAScarrien6 years ago

I find it a little silly that the INAHURRY cheat code is banned in Extended Cheat%. Without it, the category is basically the same thing as NG+ with infinite super moves. If INAHURRY was allowed, the double speed would make runs much faster and make the category stand out more.

If that isn't OK, then can it at least become a sub category?

Minnesota, USAScarrien7 years ago

You can't, co-op requires the gunship. The admins just didn't add the subcategory right.

Minnesota, USAScarrien7 years ago

Sounds good to me, that's pretty much how the IL runs work in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which I moderate.

About Scarrien
7 years ago
1 month ago
Games run
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Last run 2 years ago
Nintendo Land: Metroid Blast
Nintendo Land: Metroid Blast
Last run 5 years ago
Metal Slug 3
Metal Slug 3
Last run 6 years ago
Epic Battle Fantasy: Bullet Heaven 2
Let's Tap
Let's Tap
Last run 6 years ago
Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure
Games followed
Nintendo Land: Metroid Blast
Nintendo Land: Metroid Blast
Last visit 2 months ago
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Last visit 1 year ago
Let's Tap
Let's Tap
Last visit 2 years ago
Epic Battle Fantasy: Bullet Heaven 2
Nicktoons Unite!
Nicktoons Unite!
Last visit 2 years ago
Games moderated
Nintendo Land: Metroid Blast
Nintendo Land: Metroid Blast
Last action 1 month ago
Let's Tap
Let's Tap
Last action 2 years ago
Nintendo Land: Captain Falcon's Twister Race