The issue with making a bunch of categories is that you end up with a leaderboard with a few runs on a few different categories, then a bunch of blank categories because no one runs them. The best option is to be very basic like SirGouki mentioned above. The easiest way to get runs on the board is by keeping it simple. I personally like the idea of a "No Skips" category, but just doing a basic "Any%" and "100%" should suffice until more runners start to submit more runs that justify more categories. If major skips or glitches are found (and not patched out) then the leaderboard can be divided into glitch/glitchless or whatever.
autosplitter went haywire when the Picnic Panic DLC released. it was apparently the game update and not the dlc itself. if you can revert back to the previous version of the game, it may help the autosplitter work again. Voxelse is going to get it fixed, but he hasnt had a chance to get it going again yet.
the level entry splits work, but none of the others. its really only helpful for the 8-bit or Linear runs, because you have to manually split all the items in any%. even in 8-bit or Linear, you still have to manually split the bosses (arcane golem, demon general).
join the discord if youre not a member, lots of good runners there that can provide lots of good advice.