run: Card Shark
Modified the time to properly reflect category rules, and give time for the crash until you get to the same frame.
thread: Bendy and the Dark Revival
thread: Bendy and the Dark Revival
About to submit my run, can it be categorized under Any% once the leaderboards release?
run: Card Shark
Default LiveSplit hotkey for undoing a split is NumPad 8 for future knowledge
run: Card Shark
Gonna run this in a couple hours, hope to be added onto Mods for this game. One of my favorites of this year.
thread: Umfend
Whenever the game is loading, am I allowed to pause the timer during that so it doesn't really contradict with other people's load times?
thread: Umfend
On the topic of the rules, what do you mean by final cutscene? Like, the final speech or the credits?
Showing 1 to 14 of 14
About SadKris
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