United StatesSBCat1 year ago

Been sifting through ideas of how to push Any% further.

So far, the only thing preventing us from getting into croc swamp early is the fact we don't have rogon.

I looked into the streetpass features under the shop menu and by the looks of it you can send other people custom characters.

Now, this might be a stretch. But if you could theoretically receive a custom character through streetpass during an any% run you could get into croc swamp since you would have a custom rhino in place of rogon.

Unfortunately I can't test this as I only have 1 copy of the game but If someone can test this for me I would be really interested if this actually works.

krakmoul likes this
United StatesSBCat2 years ago

In 3-3 hitting the corner of the moving block sometimes randomly teleports you. Not sure what causes this but this might be useful for runs if you can get better height.

United StatesSBCat2 years ago

Created a spliced run just for entertainment purposes.

This is a strung together run featuring more optimized levels than the current any% route. Sharing this for others to enjoy and get info out of.

Due to splicing its hard to pinpoint the exact final time due to potential innaccuracies in frames getting cut out but I would estimate its somewhere in the ballpark of the 18:40-18:50 Range. Doesn't matter too much this is just a basic sum of best demonstration.

Hope more people will run this game in the future. Its actually really cool. If I end up working on a Real TAS I'll keep this forum posted.

(PS Do not submit to leaderboard obviously)

snessfresh and Salero_Eon like this
United StatesSBCat2 years ago

Found a wacky exploit that lets you load 2 stages at once. Kinda nuts, for the record i dont think this should be allowed for IL'S because all it would amount to is playing easy 01 over and over for every level

More detailed explanation in the youtube description.

More thorough demonstration. So much for the ingame leaderboard in future updates lmao

United StatesSBCat2 years ago

Found a method of using out of bounds collision on the spiral staircase to get past the first idol bypassing yorda all together.

In this state, shadows do not spawn because I never triggered the yorda acquisition cutscene.

Currently stuck at the chandelier room with the third idol. Getting onto of the idol doesn't work (Fully modeled collision)

We would have to find a way of getting from floor 2 to floor 1 without dying to be able to get anywhere else

*Yordaless% is a challenge run im trying to do where im attempting to get as far as possible without picking up yorda. Ideally the end goal would be to activate the 2 idol reflectors needed normally to get into act 3.

United StatesSBCat2 years ago

Found a way to skip the owl endcard animation. If you hit the owl during the quitout animation you can beat the level and immediately warp out.

Realistically you can save maybe a second with good menuing in Any%. Doing this off every level can add up but you're also risking alot if you don't hit the trick.

This does not appear to work for vera for whatever reason Window is kinda tight in general

United StatesSBCat2 years ago

Found a method of getting over the guard gates by using eris (See video example) (Tested on 3DS)

TLDR You can keep resetting Eris's homing attack animation by standing next to specific walls.

AFIK You can skip Eagle library and maybe rhino caves *Rhino caves Untested.

Can't get into swamp early yet because of the rhino barrier and the rhino hub you can't clip into using this method.

United StatesSBCat2 years ago

Not sure if this is a well known thing or not but i'll share

Roll Jumping into a corner and mashing the Character toggle button (X) Sometimes you will start gaining a good amount of height.

I assume if you could gain enough height off this tree you could clip into the other tribe gates. (Loading zones always present)

In testing with Moonjump, the swamp doesn't seem useful to clip into since you have no way of getting into the actual level

*I've tested this on real hardware before and seems consistent with the emulator version

Golden_Scorpion likes this
United StatesSBCat2 years ago

"Menu Storage" is a glitch that happens if you die during the stage clear animation. The retry menu will take priority over the Stage clear menu

Upon hitting retry, the stage complete menu will reappear. This is useful if you're going for RTA IL Records, (Not IGT) as you can warp out of the level immediately.

Additional side effect is that you can save whatever IGT you had when you hit the owl even though you died.

Current levels with Menu Storage ā†‘ 1-5 (Useful for IGT Aswell as RTA Timing)

ā†‘ 2-4 (Haven't been able to get menu storage on film but i've gotten it before early in my playthrough.

United StatesSBCat2 years ago

Found this a couple of years ago, you can skip the fusion grenades by using crates to clip through the door

I think this would be useful if you were trying to a run with minimum item pickups. (Albeit, having only the basic pistol for the whole game would be abysmal)

United StatesSBCat2 years ago

Found a way to be able to complete tall plains early using the minigames menu.

For context the minigames menu is something that is supposed to allow you to replay certain setpieces but its supposed to boot you back into the main menu in theory

However, Dying in the tall plains minigame glitches the game and allows you to continue past where the minigame is supposed to end

You carryover the inventory and save slot of the most recently created (EDIT: Actually the most recently loaded), file.

If it was say a save file of the final boss you could carry over earth breath into tall plains.

This also means if the last created file was in say swamp, you would be in theory be skipping Swamp, aerial skies, dantes freezer. And Most of tall plains

This saves 15 minutes off of a 38 minute category. But this definitely should be a category split.

(Also PS Dont submit this to leaderboards because i had autofire on from testing)

FirstMaple likes this
United StatesSBCat2 years ago

Gonna post video examples of new time saving strats, If im posting these, these are likely new finds.


Never got this in a run, i had the timing completely wrong

United StatesSBCat2 years ago

(Seizure Warning, for garbled visuals) Found weird data corruption glitch. If you pause on the same frame you enter a level door the game incorrectly sets the flag for the silhouette extra to be on.

Eventually it has severe effects on the games ability to operate.

0:23 and 2:11 for effects showcase This might be useful if you could somehow control the data corruption to give intended effects like skipping levels or gaining massive studs but im not sure.

I got this crash error message for trying to enter blockade runner "Jumped to invalid address A50918A4"

teh_supar_hackr likes this
United StatesSBCat2 years ago

I have no idea if this is known or not but you can gain infinite height with gonk droid if you're playing in 2player mode

Found this awhile ago, might be useful not sure

United StatesSBCat2 years ago

I was messing around in practice and found an odd glitch in 2-2 For whatever reason, running into the bees in this level can sometimes boost your vertical speed. I'm not sure what the setup for this is but this could potentially be useful

For video context

About SBCat
@Mylabear, on internet archive.
4 years ago
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Super Sami Roll
Super Sami Roll
Last run 1 year ago
Super Galaxy Ball
Super Galaxy Ball
Last run 2 years ago
Super Sami Roll 2
Super Sami Roll 2
Last run 5 months ago
Cinnamon: Yume no Daibouken
Cinnamon: Yume no Daibouken
Last run 2 years ago
Math Duck
Math Duck
Last run 2 years ago